Thursday, June 20, 2024

How to Mental Age Test

Sure, you know your actual age, but what about your mental age? Your mental age is how old you are emotionally and personality-wise, and it can actually be very different from your real age.

You might be a twenty-something with an old soul, or maybe you’re comfortably in your fifties but brimming with youthful energy. Or perhaps your mental age and actual age are pretty similar after all. There’s only one way to find out—take this quiz!

A little girl, young man, young woman, older woman, and older man stand in a line, leaning against a wall.

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What Is My Mental Age?
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1. You look out the window of your dream home—what do you see?
  1. A bustling city street full of people and dazzling lights.
  2. A field of wildflowers stretching for miles in all directions.
  3. My best friend’s house—they live right across the street!
  4. A quaint, charming neighborhood with lush grass and beautiful trees.
2. A present arrives in the mail. What do you hope it is?
  1. The brand new gaming console I've been wanting for months.
  2. A box full of all the arts and crafts supplies I could ever need.
  3. A shiny new robot vacuum for cleaning my floors.
  4. A warm, plush blanket in my favorite color.
3. It’s a Friday night and you can’t wait to…
  1. Watch that honey bee documentary my friend was raving about.
  2. Have friends over for a low-key game night.
  3. Go dancing with friends and stay out until dawn.
  4. Curl up in a chair with some tea and a new book.
4. Your alarm clock starts ringing at 7 a.m.—what do you do?
  1. Startle awake, groan, then hit snooze aggressively.
  2. I'm up before then anyway, so this wouldn’t really affect me.
  3. Turn it off, get up slowly, and say hello to the new day.
  4. Rip off the covers, jump out of bed, and run to the kitchen for breakfast.
5. On your bookshelf, you’re most likely to find…
  1. Photos of family, treasured mementos, and cute knick-knacks.
  2. Magazines, filled-up journals, and my sketchbook.
  3. Old copies of National Geographic and rows of historical fiction.
  4. My vinyl collection, some candles, and a funky thrifted lamp.
6. Your wardrobe is packed to the brim with…
  1. Comfortable basics. Tees, hoodies, and sweats are a must.
  2. Business casual attire. I like to look polished!
  3. Who knows. I just wear whatever I grab first.
  4. Whatever’s in style—I like to keep up with trends.
7. If the world could see the most used app on your phone, what would it be?
  1. TikTok
  2. YouTube
  3. Facebook
  4. Instagram
8. How would you describe your day-to-day emotional experience?
  1. Like a rollercoaster. Up, down, and all around.
  2. Like a train. Some jolts along the way, but steady overall.
  3. Like a lost ship. Swaying and unsure of which way to go.
  4. Like a carriage. Slow, predictable, and pleasant.
9. When your closest friend describes you, they probably say you’re…
  1. Wild, adventurous, and always up for a good time.
  2. Wise, contemplative, and content.
  3. Stable, accomplished, and confident.
  4. Playful, energetic, and hopeful.
10. You’re on Jeopardy and the category is “TikTok Trends”—how ready are you?
  1. I've never been more ready for anything.
  2. Cautiously optimistic, but nervous.
  3. Not ready. This is not my category.
  4. Not at all, but I'll give it my best shot.
11. You’re daydreaming. What are you thinking about?
  1. What I'm going to have for dessert later.
  2. Sandy beaches, crystal blue water, and palm trees.
  3. The ending of the riveting book I just finished.
  4. My crush.
12. Which of the following quotes speaks to you most?
  1. “Life will take you to amazing places if you have the courage to try.”
  2. “Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.”
  3. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
  4. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

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[Edit]The History of Mental Age Tests

Did you know that mental age is actually a concept that originated in the field of psychology? In 1905, French psychologist Alfred Binet co-created the first ever intelligence test. When children taking the test scored higher than most other children of the same chronological age, it was said that the high-scorers had a higher mental age than their actual age. If they scored lower, they had a lower mental age. From there, the idea of “mental age” was born!

Nowadays, mental age theory has fallen out of favor with psychologists since it’s overly simplistic and doesn’t take into account individuals’ unique skills and ways of learning. Plus, many people find the concept of mental age to be limiting. After all, people are constantly learning and developing new skills, so telling someone they have a fixed mental age of 20, for example, doesn’t feel very fair or accurate.

Instead, psychologists today aim to use more nuanced, holistic intelligence quotient (IQ) tests that factor in the background of the test taker. And IQ is no longer thought of as fixed. Basically, experts now know that intelligence is complex and multifaceted (and therefore intelligence tests need to be too!).

Unlike the psychology-based mental age tests of the past, our mental age test is just for fun and does not represent your level of intelligence. Instead, think of this test as a fun way to see how similar you are to people in different age groups based on your personality and preferences. And remember: just like your personality can change over time, so can your mental age.

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