Friday, May 3, 2024

How to Describe Someone's Personality

If you’re looking for words you can use to describe someone else’s personality, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll provide a variety of negative, neutral, and positive words you could use to describe your best friend, hype up a good teammate, flesh out a villain, finish your essay, or just describe an acquaintance. We'll also share what some of these character traits mean! Keep reading for the best words to paint the perfect picture of any person.


[Edit]Positive Personality Adjectives

  1. Pleasant{endbold} If someone is pleasant, it means they’re easygoing and generally nice to be around. A pleasant person is unlikely to bother anyone or stir up any trouble.[1]
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 1.jpg
    • “James is really quite pleasant to be around. He never argues or causes a fuss.”
  2. Cheerful{endbold} If someone is openly happy, always smiling, and they tend to be positive, they might be described as cheerful (or cheery).
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 2.jpg
    • “How can Melissa be so cheerful at 8 o’clock in the morning? I just don’t get it.”
  3. Cordial{endbold} Cordial people are well-mannered, warm, and approachable. If a person is considered cordial, they likely come off as relaxed and friendly, with a unique ability to win the approval of others.
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    • “I really like the way he held the door open for me. He’s such a cordial boy.”
  4. Empathetic{endbold} An empathetic person is able to imagine what it’s like to stand in someone’s shoes. This would be a great word to describe your best friend if they always seem sad whenever you’re going through a hard time, for example.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 4.jpg
    • “I got a good grade and told Mindy about it. She’s so empathetic that she almost cried tears of joy for me!”
  5. Virtuous{endbold} If someone is virtuous, it means they have high moral standards and that they generally care about doing what’s right. It can also generally refer to someone who is righteous and law-abiding.
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    • “Derek is virtuous fellow. He’s always volunteering on the weekend.”
  6. Sociable{endbold} A sociable person is outgoing and gets a lot of personal fulfillment from talking to new people. It doesn’t mean they talk too much, just that they’re very active and friendly.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 6.jpg
    • “You’ve got to invite Sabrina to the party! She’s the most sociable person we know.”
  7. Insightful{endbold} If someone knows how to make sense of confusing situations, solve puzzles, or use clues to figure out how people feel, they’re insightful. It’s not quite raw intelligence, but wisdom, emotional knowledge, and awareness.
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    • “Tehilah is so insightful; she knew Tim and I broke up before I even told her just based on how I was acting.”
  8. Imaginative{endbold} Someone may be imaginative if they have the ability to generate creative, unique ideas or express original thoughts with ease.
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    • “We had to write a short story for class, and Jimmy is so imaginative that he came up with this tale about a pirate who joins up with a dinosaur to fight crime.”
  9. Collaborative{endbold} A collaborative person is really good at working with other people. They’re able to take criticism, and know when to follow instructions and when to grab the wheel. A good teammate is likely to be very collaborative, for example.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 9.jpg
    • “You should let me join your group project. I’m collaborative, and I know a lot about history.”
  10. Confident{endbold} When someone is self-assured and believes in their abilities, they’re confident. A confident person might volunteer to take the lead, or have no problem approaching a cute person at a bar and asking them out.
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    • “Jamie is confident in his ability to get the job done before Friday. I normally wouldn’t think it’s possible, but he assured me it’s no big deal.”
  11. Generous{endbold} A generous person is willing to help others more than the average person would. This may include someone who gives money to charity, or a person who is especially kind and supportive.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 11.jpg
    • “I was kind of lost and my phone was dead, but this generous man took the time to show me where to go. He even let me make a phone call.”
  12. Charismatic{endbold} If someone is charismatic, they have no problem getting people to like them, or convincing others to do something. A president or motivational speaker might be charismatic, for example.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 12.jpg
    • “You should totally try out for team captain. You’re the best player on the team, and you’re super charismatic.”

[Edit]Negative Personality Adjectives

  1. Dreary{endbold} A dreary person is kind of unfun to be around. They may always be in a bad mood, or have a habit of bringing up dark subjects. Picture an abandoned building in the rain. That’s dreary.[2]
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 13.jpg
    • “I don’t like how Tim always makes dark jokes. He’s such a dreary guy.”
  2. Aggressive{endbold} If a person never avoids a fight or they have a tendency to yell or criticize people unfairly, they might be described as aggressive.
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    • “You shouldn’t disagree with Mr. Wayne. He’s super aggressive when people don’t agree with his perspective.”
  3. Judgemental{endbold} A judgmental (or judgy) person is super critical of others. They may always complain about how other people behave, or refuse to acknowledge when someone does something right.
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    • “My dad is always telling me hates my outfits. He’s too judgmental.”
  4. Ruthless{endbold} Someone with a ruthless personality will refuse to give people the benefit of the doubt, have too much ambition to show compassion, or behave cruelly when it benefits them.
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    • “My boss is ruthless. He’d call the cops on an employee if it meant he could get a promotion.”
  5. Mischievous{endbold} If a person is mischievous, they find it fun to cause trouble and create chaos. They might be a prankster who loves pulling tricks on their friends, or have a tendency to ignore the rules.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 17.jpg
    • “Louis has a mischievous quality about him. It’s almost like he’s always trying to mess with you.”
  6. Stuffy{endbold} A stuffy person will not be very open to new ideas, and they’ll have a hard time accepting people who are different. They’ll likely make you feel like you can’t share how you feel.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 18.jpg
    • “I would hang out with Maisie more often, but her stuffy attitude makes it hard to feel like I can really be me around her.”
  7. Tedious{endbold} If a person is tedious, it means they tire people out by taking too long. A tedious person may talk in a monotonous, boring manner, or fail to recognize when other people aren’t interested in hearing about something.
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    • “The dean at my school is such a tedious guy. He just goes on and on about the rules. Even when you crack a joke, he just repeats himself.”
  8. Irksome{endbold} If a person just rubs you the wrong way, you might describe them as irksome. They may just be annoying because they won’t leave you alone, or irritating because they always say the wrong thing.
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    • “Johnny has this irksome quality where he never knows when you just want to be left alone.”
  9. Stingy{endbold} A stingy individual will refuse to give you anything. It’s usually used to describe someone who refuses to spend money, but it can also apply to someone who refuses to show love, appreciation, or attention.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 21.jpg
    • “Bosco is such a stingy coach. These uniforms have holes in them and all of our equipment is ancient.”
  10. Naïve{endbold} If someone lacks the wisdom, experience, or judgement to understand the way the world works, they might be described as naïve.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 22.jpg
    • “I used to be such a naïve guy. I’d walk through rough neighborhoods at night without really thinking about the danger I was putting myself in.”
  11. Obtuse{endbold} An obtuse person is unlikely to pick up on things, and will be prone to missing “hints” when people drop them. Obtuse can also be used to describe someone who intentionally doesn’t understand or intentionally doesn’t respect someone’s feelings.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 23.jpg
    • “I made a joke the other day and everyone laughed except Trevor. He’s so obtuse, I think he just didn’t get it.”
  12. Narcissistic{endbold} A narcissistic person has an extreme interest in themselves. They only care about what happens to them, and they may obsess over how they look, how popular they are, or how many people like them.[3]
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    • “Melissa is always checking her makeup and talking about how many people follow her on social media. She’s so narcissistic.”

[Edit]Neutral Personality Adjectives

  1. Eccentric{endbold} If a person is eccentric, it means they’re unconventional or strange, but in a way that makes them kind of interesting. An eccentric person may have an uncommon hobby, or dress strangely.[4]
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 25.jpg
    • “My mother is an eccentric woman. She refuses to drink water if it has ice in it, and she always makes this ‘yipping’ noise when she’s thinking out loud.”
  2. Wary{endbold} If a person is wary, it means that they’re cautious, careful, and exacting. A wary person may overthink sometimes, but they’ll tend to make the right decision.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 26.jpg
    • “Linus is always weary of strangers. That’s why he didn’t open up at the party.”
  3. Practical{endbold} A practical person cares about what’s effective and reasonable, and they won’t concern themselves with hypotheticals or lofty, abstract ideas.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 27.jpg
    • “I’m a practical woman. If I see something I use is on sale, I’ll buy it even if I don’t need it right away.”
  4. Complex{endbold} If an individual is complex, it means they’re imaginative and intelligent, but kind of a little mysterious. They may surprise people with unique knowledge and skills, or have a deep emotional life.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 28.jpg
    • “I tend to be suspicious of Nathan. He’s too complex; I can never really tell what he’s thinking.”
  5. Judicious{endbold} If a person has a judicious personality, it means that they’re fair and weigh all of their options. There’s a bit of an implication that they care deeply about morals, as well.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 29.jpg
    • “Ally is judicious enough to know whether it’s right to go to give her boyfriend a break or not for missing their date. Don’t worry about it.”
  6. Introverted{endbold} An introverted individual tends to keep things to themselves. They’re quiet, appreciate solitude, and don’t rely on other people to be happy. The opposite of introverted is extroverted.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 30.jpg
    • “I’m super introverted. I’d much rather spend Saturday nights relaxing at home alone.”
  7. Steadfast{endbold} If someone is steadfast, they are firm in their beliefs and worldview. This may be a good thing if someone is trying to push them into making a bad decision, but it may not be such a good thing if they refuse to change their mind when they’re wrong.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 31.jpg
    • “As a steadfast person, I don’t tend to get along with people who push me to do things I don’t want to do.”
  8. Meticulous{endbold} A meticulous person takes extreme caution (and a lot of time) when they do things. This might mean they take too long to do their taxes, but by the time they’re done, there won’t be any mistakes.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 32.jpg
    • “Avery is a meticulous worker. It’s true she doesn’t make as many sales as other employees, but I’ve never seen her make a mistake on her paperwork.”
  9. Esoteric{endbold} If someone is described as esoteric, it means that they’re a complex person who is extremely difficult to understand (and a little private). That may sound like a negative thing, but esoteric people tend to be very fascinating.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 33.jpg
    • “Timmy’s motivations are beyond esoteric. I don’t really know what he wants, but I’m sure it makes sense to him.”
  10. Apprehensive{endbold} An apprehensive person may be anxious or nervous, but they also tend to be very discerning and capable of identifying the right move.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 34.jpg
    • “I’m apprehensive about moving to New York City because it’s so expensive, but I’m sure we can make it work if I find a higher paying job there.”
  11. Whimsical{endbold} A whimsical individual may seem a little random, but it’s only because they follow every impulse they have. The implication is that a whimsical person is kind of fun and interesting, though. It’s not a dangerous kind of “erratic.”
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 35.jpg
    • “You’re always picking flowers and putting them in your hair. You have such a whimsical spirit!”
  12. Pensive{endbold} If someone is pensive, they spend a lot of time thinking carefully and quietly about things. This may be a good thing if it helps them make a wise choice, or a bad thing if they spend too much time weighing options.
    Describe Someone's Personality Step 36.jpg
    • “Winston tends to become quite pensive when he’s faced with a serious choice.”



Thursday, May 2, 2024

How to Celebrate Cinco De Mayo

Learn to honor Mexican culture and avoid cultural appropriation

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo is a wonderful opportunity to honor Mexican culture. If you're looking for fun ways to participate in the holiday while also being culturally sensitive, you've landed in the right place! Below is a comprehensive list of festive ideas you can use to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, and we'll also touch on a few things to avoid. Plus, we'll explain the history behind this holiday so you can share the real meaning of Cinco de Mayo with your friends and family.

[Edit]Respectful Ways to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

Focus on the history of Cinco de Mayo to truly honor what the holiday is all about. Be respectful of Mexican tradition and avoid anything that reinforces cultural stereotypes, like wearing costumes or using fake accents. Eating authentic Mexican food and listening to traditional Mexican music are great ways to celebrate.


[Edit]Learn the history of Cinco de Mayo.

  1. Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico's victory at the Battle of Puebla. Emperor Napoleon III, eager to establish a French stronghold in Mexico, commanded the French Army to start marching toward Mexico City. He sent a fleet ahead to attack, but the French army never made it there. A young Mexican general named Ignacio Zaragoza engaged the French troops at the city of Puebla and defeated them. This battle took place on May 5, 1862.[1]
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    • Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico's victory at the (first) battle of Puebla. It was a major morale boost for Mexico, but it didn’t end the war. Battles continued and the French invasion succeeded the following year.
    • Cinco de Mayo isn’t an official Mexican holiday, but Mexicans do commemorate the date. The victory in battle is the primary reason for celebration in Mexico.
    • In the United States, Cinco de Mayo focuses more on celebrating Mexican culture in general. American celebrations began in 1863 as a show of solidarity with Mexico against the French.[2]

[Edit]Be culturally sensitive so you don't offend others.

  1. Avoid cultural appropriation and negative stereotypes to be respectful. Celebrating Cinco de Mayo can be a beautiful and rich cultural experience. However, make the holiday about the history and avoid anything that reinforces racial or cultural stereotypes. Things to avoid:
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    • Wearing any type of “Mexican” costume (sombreros, ponchos, etc.)
    • Wearing a fake mustache
    • Speaking in a fake Mexican accent
    • Using this as an excuse to drink margaritas and do tequila shots

[Edit]Put up colorful decorations.

  1. The colors red, green, and white represent Mexico’s national flag. You can incorporate those colors using streamers, balloons, flags, garlands, banners, tissue poms, and any other Cinco de Mayo party décor that you like! Because Cinco de Mayo festivals and parades tend to be very colorful, feel free to work in other vibrant colors like orange and yellow.[3]
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    • Avoid stereotypical décor since that can come off as offensive. For example, decorating with sombreros and ponchos isn’t respectful (and neither is wearing them).[4]

[Edit]Eat authentic Mexican food from a Mexican restaurant.

  1. Order Mole Poblano for a true Cinco de Mayo experience. Mole Poblano originated in Puebla, where the battle against the French took place. Find an authentic Mexican restaurant in your area, preferably one owned by Mexican-Americans that boasts an authentic Mexican chef, and order their Mole Poblano. If they don’t have that specific dish, try any Mole dish they have on the menu.[5]
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    • Mole is a gravy-like sauce used as a filling and a topping in Mexican Cuisine. Mole recipes vary widely across different Mexican regions.
    • Celebrate in the workplace by ordering food from an authentic Mexican restaurant.

[Edit]Make a traditional Mexican dish at home.

  1. Keep it simple with foods like tacos, guacamole, pico de gallo, flan, empanadas, horchata, and salsa. There’s so much more to Mexican cuisine than these familiar dishes, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying them as a way to celebrate Mexican culture! They’re delicious, kid-friendly, and a snap to whip up. Tortilla chips and salsa is another family favorite.
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[Edit]Listen to traditional Mexican music.

  1. Mariachi music is one popular type of traditional Mexican music. If you’re able to get out and enjoy traditional Mexican music in a live setting, that would be a great way to celebrate! Mariachi music is a popular option, but there are two other types of traditional Mexican music you can explore: Norteño and Banda.[6]
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    • You might tune in to a radio station or look up Spotify playlists that showcase traditional Mexican music.
    • Mexican-American musician Selena was known as the Queen of Tejano. If you aren’t sure where to start, or if you prefer music with a pop influence, you might look up some of Selena’s tunes.[7]

[Edit]Attend a local parade or festival.

  1. You’re more likely to find large celebrations in bigger cities. This is especially true in cities where there’s a large Mexican-American population (Denver, Chicago, Portland, etc.)[8] If your area hosts a festival, go soak up the culture! There will likely be traditional Mexican music, dancing, and plenty of delicious food.[9]
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    • Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles is one of the largest Cinco de Mayo celebrations in the world. If you’re within driving distance, this event would definitely be worth a road trip.

[Edit]Check out museums honoring Mexican art and culture.

  1. See if local cultural centers are hosting educational events. Local art galleries and museums may have special exhibits up during Cinco de Mayo. You can also see if any visiting Mexican artists or educators are giving public lectures, showcasing artwork, and so on. A quick internet search can help you find local venues and educational events.
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[Edit]Teach kids fun facts about Mexican culture.

  1. Cinco de Mayo is a great time to introduce children to Mexican culture. Young children may not be able to grasp all the battle details, so focus on celebrating culture instead. Sharing a few cool facts with them can be the start of their cultural exploration. Pick simple facts that children can easily understand. For example:
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    • Mexico City is the oldest city in North America and Mexico’s capital.
    • Chocolate is from Mexico. The cacao plant was first cultivated there.
    • The dahlia is Mexico’s national flower.[10]

[Edit]Read Mexican literature.

  1. If you’re a book person, this is a great way to celebrate. There’s so much beautiful Mexican literature and poetry out there, from the classics to more contemporary writers. You can always do your own Google search to browse specific genres, but here are a few great books to get you started:
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    • Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
    • The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz
    • The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes
    • Guardian Devil by Xavier Velasco[11]



  • Note that Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day (which is celebrated on September 16).

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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Introvert or Extrovert Quiz

Personality. You’ve got one; your friends have one—everyone has one! But what does it say about you and your social tendencies? In the early 1900s, Carl Jung coined the terms “introvert” and “extrovert” to describe personality traits and behaviors. Introverts tend to be more reserved, whereas extroverts thrive on social interaction.

So, where do you fall? Are you an introvert, extrovert, or something in between? Answer these questions about what you would do in any given situation to find out.

On a word spelled with alphabet dice, a hand pushes two of the cubes over, changing the word from "introvert" to "extrovert."

[Edit]Questions Overview

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Am I Introverted or Extroverted?
Take this quiz to find out!

Quizzes Are More Fun With Friends

Share this quiz with your friends and compare results.

1. It’s Friday night—woohoo! What are your weekend plans?
  1. To chill at home, read, and/or watch a movie.
  2. To go out with my friends. I can’t spend a weekend without them!
  3. I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll catch up on homework or chill with the fam.
  4. To party or study until I collapse, whatever fits the schedule.
2. You like it best when people:
  1. Text. I like not feeling rushed to reply.
  2. Call. The longer the chat, the better.
  3. Contact me, in general. It’s nice to hear from friends.
  4. Call or text. Whatever I’m in the mood to answer.
3. Which group of words best describes you?
  1. Shy, quiet, and creative.
  2. Outgoing, loud, and ambitious.
  3. Reliable, loyal, and laid-back.
  4. Energetic, emotional, and unpredictable.
4. It’s late afternoon. What are you probably doing?
  1. Listening to music or chilling in the library alone.
  2. Grabbing lunch with a group of friends.
  3. Observing my surroundings.
  4. Socializing if I’m happy, or watching TV alone if I’m sad.
5. It’s the first day of school. You go into class and:
  1. Grab a seat in the back. I don’t want to be called on.
  2. Start chatting with whoever I see. Friends don’t make themselves!
  3. Look for a friend. I like to be with familiar faces.
  4. Do what I want. I always go with the flow.
6. Which quote do you resonate with the most?
  1. “Quiet people have the loudest minds.”
  2. “Don’t be silent. Be fierce.”
  3. “There is peaceful. There is wild. I am both at the same time.”
  4. “What goes up must come down.”
7. What role do you play in your friend group?
  1. The Listener. I’m the shoulder to cry on.
  2. The Leader. I like to think I’m the trend setter.
  3. The Peacemaker. I want to make sure everyone is happy.
  4. The Crier. I have a lot of emotions, okay?
8. You’re alone at a party. What do you do?
  1. Look for an exit. This is not my scene.
  2. Wiggle my way into a nearby group. I can make friends with anyone.
  3. Scan the crowd for someone I know, or I’ll bounce.
  4. See if I’m in the mood to party or call it quits.
9. Out of these options, what’s your biggest fear?
  1. Public speaking
  2. Dying alone
  3. Confrontation
  4. Commitment
10. You feel the most like yourself when you’re with __.
  1. Yourself. I like being alone with my thoughts.
  2. Anyone. Strangers are just friends waiting to be made.
  3. Friends and family. They know me inside and out.
  4. Friends or yourself. It really depends on my mood.
11. Where are you the most productive?
  1. In a quiet space with no distractions.
  2. A busy cafe.
  3. At home alone or in a library surrounded by friends.
  4. Anywhere, really, as long as I have my work.
12. How do you like to recharge after a long day?
  1. Locking myself in my room and reading or crafting.
  2. Calling a friend to chat about whatever.
  3. Chilling with family and friends, if I’m in the mood.
  4. It depends. I might want to be alone or with company.

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[Edit]Introvert vs. Extrovert: What’s the Difference?

Think of personality as a spectrum or sliding scale. On one end of the scale, you have “introvert,” and on the other end, “extrovert.” No personality is exactly the same. You may have more extroverted tendencies, while a friend is more introverted. You’re both on different ends of the spectrum, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re entirely extroverted or introverted. Believe it or not, there’s a middle ground: “ambivert.” So, what do all of these terms mean, and how do they differ? Here’s a quick breakdown:

Introverts have reserved, patient, and thoughtful personality traits. These people gain the most energy from being alone. In other words, they prefer their own company over others. They get the most pleasure from solo activities like reading, writing, or crafting. When choosing between going to a party or staying home, they’d rather stay home and chill.

Extroverts are the complete opposite of introverts. These people are more outgoing, friendly, and spontaneous. They’re energized by social interaction and feel the most comfortable around other people. To put it simply, extroverts are the life of the party. They’d rather spend time with friends (or even strangers) than have alone time.

Ambiverts are a combination of introverts and extroverts. These people are in the middle of the personality spectrum and may lean more toward one end over another. Basically, they have both reserved and outgoing traits. Ambiverts tend to be comfortable in social situations but don’t mind spending time alone. It all depends on the individual and the situation. For instance, they may be introverted around strangers but extroverted with friends and family.

No matter where you land on the scale, your personality is beautiful and unique. The theory and spectrum of introversion and extraversion are meant to help you better understand yourself in social situations, not define you. All in all, knowing if you’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert can help you be the best version of yourself.

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