Friday, June 7, 2024

How to Be Better at Something

If you want to get better at something, there's no time like the present. The first step in the path to self-improvement is learning the skill through concentrated, focused study.[1] Then, practicing your technique can help you make and reach long-term goals. With effort and time spent strengthening your weaknesses, you can get better at most anything.


[Edit]Learning Skills

  1. Reduce the number of distractions while you're learning. Distractions can inhibit your ability to focus and develop any skills. Learn or study the skill in a quiet, controlled environment with minimal distractions like loud noises, electronic devices, or anything else that inhibits your ability to concentrate.[2]
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    • Try not to multitask while you're learning a new skill. The more concentration you can give to something, the more time and brainpower you can devote to it.[3]
    • If you want to listen to music while learning, choose instrumental music. Music with lyrics are much more likely to distract you from your task.[4]
  2. Break learning the task into parts. If you give your brain too much information at once, you may become overwhelmed and have a hard time memorizing it. Instead, learn about the new skill in small, easy-to-digest parts—a chapter or specific skill at a time.[5]
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    • If you want to get better at math, for example, focus on one mathematical principle a day to build your knowledge over time.
    • Don't cram yourself with information if you're getting better at something for an exam. Spacing out your learning will help you develop a stronger grasp of the topic.[6]
  3. Connect the information to something you understand. While learning something new, try to relate it to something you've already practiced or mastered. That way, your brain can translate the skills you learned from the first topic while learning the second.[7]
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    • If you're learning to sew better, for example, think about the finger dexterity and attention to patterns you may have learned from knitting.
  4. Focus on what excites you about the new skill. If you're having trouble focusing while you learn the new skill, pinpoint something about it that interests you. Use the parts that you find intriguing as motivation to spend time learning the skill.[8]
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    • If you're learning to play the piano better, for example, use music sheets for songs you enjoy to practice.
  5. Ask yourself questions after learning about a topic. After studying a skill, write down 5-10 questions that capture important elements of the new task or concept. Try to answer the question without any outside help to solidify the topics in your brain.[9]
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    • While learning how to sketch, for example, write down a few questions about key art principles, common drawing mistakes, and techniques for improving your sketching skills.
    • If you're learning from a textbook, check for practice questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are usually formulated to teach you key elements about the concept.

[Edit]Practicing with Purpose

  1. Determine a goal for your practicing session. Before you start practicing, think about what tasks you need to improve on. Make a goal that you want to reach by the end of the practicing session to give your session a specific purpose.[10]
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    • While practicing how to write an essay, for example, you could make a goal to outline at least 3 introduction paragraphs by the end of the session.
  2. Model experts in your field while you practice. Modeling people who are already skilled in a subject can help you learn how to successfully accomplish it. Research 2-3 people known for the skill you want to learn and, after studying their work, practice imitating it. You'll be able to develop your own style over time after building a foundation from the experts.[11]
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    • If you want to learn how to sing, for example, listen to the songs of a few singers you admire and practice music that they've sung.
    • Find a mentor in the field you want to pursue. [12]
  3. Seek immediate feedback while you practice. Don't wait until the end of your practice session to check what you did right or wrong. Instead, check your progress after each task to see what you're doing right and where you need to improve.[13]
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    • This will help you improve any weaknesses you have quickly instead of practicing incorrect techniques.
    • If you're learning to sprint, for example, time yourself after each lap or mile. If you're not satisfied with your time, make a goal to run the next lap or mile faster.
  4. Practice in front of someone else, when you're ready. Once you've practiced on your own and feel confident in your abilities, practice in front of a friend or family member. They can evaluate what you've learned so far and give you a new perspective on where to improve next.[14]
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    • If you're practicing public speaking, for example, gather a few of your close friends and give them a speech. At the end of the speech, ask them for feedback and tips for improvement.
    • For skills that are more independent (like speed reading or learning European history), you could make a list of key facts about the subject and teach them to another person.

[Edit]Overcoming Weaknesses

  1. Change your practicing habits if you feel stuck. If you feel like you're in a rut or can't improve a certain skill, changing the way you practice can help you approach your weaknesses through a unique lens. Focus your practicing sessions on your specific weakness, and try a variety of different exercises to strengthen your abilities.[15]
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    • If you're learning to write poetry, for example, you could practice annotating poetry for a few sessions instead of freewriting.
  2. Join a study or practice group. Meeting other people who are learning a new task could help you find new ways of approaching a topic and strengthening weaknesses. Find a practice group or club at your school or community center, or ask others practicing the same skill if they know of any groups.
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    • You could, for example, join a community basketball team if you're having trouble learning to dunk.
    • If you can't find any groups in your area, you can always make your own instead.
  3. Evaluate your improvement by a new measurement. Sometimes, changing the way you evaluate your abilities can help you spot weaknesses and improve your strengths. You might focus on your accuracy or strength, for example, instead of speed or dexterity.[16]
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    • Instead of measuring your painting abilities by how many pieces you make a day, for example, you could focus on how you're improving your shading techniques.
  4. Don't give up if you struggle with a specific skill. If you're having a hard time improving, keep practicing and learning more about it every day. Focus on what you're doing well and, as you make progress in your weaknesses, celebrate your strengths to improve your motivation.[17]
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    • Even if the skill doesn't come naturally to you, you may be able to develop and strengthen the skill over time.
    • Try not to beat yourself up about mistakes you make. Mistakes can help you learn more about your technique and avoid issues in the future.[18]


  • While developing new skills, make sure to get plenty of sleep every night. If you're well-rested, you'll have more energy to learn and focus on the task at hand.[19]
  • Try to approach learning and developing new skills with a positive attitude. Having an open mind and believing in yourself can help you tackle even difficult tasks.


  • If you're not naturally good at a skill, don't give up! Practice and diligence while learning something are more important for getting better over time.
  • Take notes by hand, if you have to take notes while learning. Although taking notes electronically is faster, you are more likely to remember handwritten notes.[21]


  • Avoid using negative reinforcement to become better at something. Too much stress can worsen your self-confidence and overall ability to pick up new tasks.[22]

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[Edit]Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about practicing new skills, check out our in-depth with [v162259_b01].



[Edit]Quick Summary

  1. [v162259_b01]. 22 November 2022.
  12. [v162259_b01]. 22 November 2022.

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