Monday, June 24, 2024

How to Enjoy Life

Small habits that can make every day so much brighter

The secret to truly enjoying life lies in making small changes to our everyday lives. Treating yourself with compassion, taking care of your mental and physical health, and connecting with others are just some of the ways you can live a happier and more fulfilling life. We’ve compiled an extensive list of tips and advice from professionals about what you can do to make the most of every single day and truly enjoy your life.

This article is based off an interview with our senior home care specialist, Justin Barnes, co-owner of Presidio Home Care.


[Edit]Prioritize yourself.

  1. Put yourself and your happiness first. This article is all about enjoying your life and not anyone else’s. Therefore, it’s important for you to make yourself and your happiness a top priority as you go about your daily life. When you make a decision, choose the things that will make you happiest. Prioritize taking care of yourself and don’t neglect your passions and interests. When you put yourself first, you’ll feel more happy, fulfilled, and energized.[1]
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    • Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus solely on your goals and achievements.
    • Spend some time alone when you feel like you need to recharge. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break and being by yourself every now and then.
    • Allow yourself to indulge in the small things that make you happy, such as reading a book, drinking a cup of tea, or going for a short walk each day.

[Edit]Be kind to yourself.

  1. Love yourself and show yourself compassion. When you love yourself, you begin to start viewing yourself and your life through a much more positive lens. And when you treat yourself with compassion, you’re more likely to feel happy and achieve success in many different areas of your life.[2]
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    • Use positive affirmations show yourself kindness. Tell yourself things like, “I’m a good person,” “I’m strong,” and “I deserve to be loved.”
    • Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Being forgiving toward yourself can help lower feelings of stress, anger, and hurt.

[Edit]Celebrate the small wins.

  1. Reward yourself for making progress and continuing to grow. Rather than only praising yourself for your tangible successes, make sure to celebrate even the smallest signs of progress and growth. Giving yourself an encouraging pat on the back every now and then will keep you motivated and invigorated to do your best and live a great life.[3]
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    • For example, buy yourself a treat whenever you cross something off your to-do list.
    • Or, be sure to reward yourself with small breaks throughout the work day.
    • Text your friends and share your excitement when you finish a book or learn something new.

[Edit]Invest in yourself.

  1. Invest your time and resources into improving yourself. Investing in yourself and working to improve your skills is one way to show yourself love and care. Put effort toward things that matter to you and work on developing your strengths to help boost your confidence. When you invest time in developing your strengths, you’ll be happier and truly enjoy the work and activities you do.[4]
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    • For example, find a tutor or coach who can help you get better at certain skills, such as playing an instrument, cooking, or writing.
    • If you have the necessary funds, don’t be afraid to splurge on more expensive tools and devices that’ll help you, such as getting nicer art supplies for drawing or a better computer for doing work.
    • One of the most precious resources you can invest in yourself is your time. Make time for the things that you truly love and do your best to maintain a work-life balance.

[Edit]Speak your mind.

  1. Be honest about your wants and needs. Rather than bottling up all of your thoughts and keeping them to yourself, let others know when you need something. Doing so can really help you to become more confident and feel like you have control over your life. When you live life on your own terms, you’ll be happier and overall more content.[5]
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    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Chances are there will be plenty of people ready to support you.
    • Set boundaries with friends, family members, a significant other, and other people in your life to ensure other people understand your limits.
    • State your opinion and honest thoughts but remain respectful and listen to others as well.

[Edit]Meet new people.

  1. Get out and make new friends who make you happy. Making an effort to go out and meet new people can bring a lot of excitement and diversity to your life. Oftentimes, it’s the people you spend time with who truly make life enjoyable and fun, especially if they’re happy people who share some of your interests. Here are some suggestions about how you can expand your social circle:[6]
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    • Have your friends introduce you to people they know.
    • Go out with your friends to a party or a large group get-together.
    • Talk to new people at your work.
    • Join online communities to make friends from all around the world.
    • Participate in a volunteer group to meet people in your community.

[Edit]Travel to new places.

  1. Experience a change of scenery and new adventures. Whether it’s to a new city, state, or country, traveling, for many people, is a guaranteed way to bring some excitement and joy to your life. If you’ve got the time and budget, take a trip alone or with friends and family and see what the world has to offer. For example:[7]
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    • Spend a weekend in a new city with a friend.
    • Travel with your family to see the national parks.
    • Go on a cruise that will dock in a foreign country.
    • Study abroad in a different country.
    • Plan a romantic getaway with your significant other.

[Edit]Do something you’ve never done before.

  1. Seek out new and fun experiences. Life is so much more enjoyable when you’re constantly experiencing new things and making new discoveries. There’s an infinite amount of possibilities and opportunities to experience, so why not invest some time in trying even just a few of them? If you’re looking for excitement, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and say yes to new things. For example:[8]
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    • Go to a new restaurant that serves food you’ve never tried before.
    • Explore a new part of your city you’ve never been to.
    • Participate in a marathon.
    • Visit an amusement park.
    • Try a sport you’ve never played before.
    • Go on a treasure hunt.

[Edit]Keep learning new things.

  1. Learn new skills and hobbies to help yourself grow. Even if you’ve finished school, there are countless opportunities to learn new things and expand your worldview and knowledge. When you learn new things, you boost your self-confidence and foster a deeper interest in and curiosity about the world around you. Take classes, participate in seminars, or watch and read interesting things on the internet to learn new things every day.[9]
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    • Sign up for a class to learn to play an instrument.
    • Check out a book at the library about world history.
    • Teach yourself to speak a foreign language.
    • Play trivia with your friends to learn new interesting facts.
    • Get a part-time job doing something you’ve never tried, such as a barista or baker.

[Edit]Make a bucket list.

  1. Create goals for yourself to stay motivated. Life is more enjoyable when you have things to look forward to and goals you want to achieve. A bucket list or goal list can help you feel a sense of purpose and keep you motivated to face each new day with a positive mindset. Fill your bucket list with a mix of realistic goals and big dreams. After all, you never know what life will bring![10]
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    • Set SMART goals to help motivate yourself and keep track of your progress. These goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. For example:
      • Specific: I’m going to write a short story.
      • Measurable: I’ll write 500-1,000 words a day for the next month.
      • Attainable: My hours at work have gone down so I have more time.
      • Relevant: I really enjoy reading and writing and have a good idea for a story.
      • Time-bound: I’ll start at the beginning of June and have the first draft done by the end of the month.
    • Some fun items to add to your bucket list include things like climbing a mountain, going skydiving, swimming with sharks, and going to a foreign country.

[Edit]Get a pet.

  1. Pets provide love, friendship, and excitement. Sometimes all you need to be happy in life is a furry friend to love and look after. Research has also shown that pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than people without pets, as well as have lower blood pressure during stressful situations. Not to mention, playing with an adorable animal can help you feel happy and calm, and they can even help you meet new people.[11]
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    • Adopt a pet from a local shelter to give them a good home and the care and love they might have been missing.
    • Of course, don’t adopt if your health or personal situation doesn’t allow you to take care of a pet at the moment.

[Edit]Practice mindfulness.

  1. Get in touch with your inner thoughts and feelings. Practicing mindfulness trains you to live in the moment and be aware of the things that are around you. Part of enjoying life is focusing on the present rather than ruminating on the past or daydreaming about the future too much. Mindfulness also helps you get in touch with your emotions and can lead you to discover the things that truly make you happy.[12]
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    • Practice meditation to help clear your mind and focus solely on the present moment.
    • Make an effort to put all of your energy and focus into one thing at a time rather than trying to spread yourself thin by multi-tasking.

[Edit]Smile and laugh every day.

  1. Smiling boosts your mood and makes you feel happier. Did you know that your facial expression can impact how you feel? According to research, just the act of smiling can make you feel happier.[13] Not only that but smiling and laughing also make other people around you feel good. So start every day with a smile and remind yourself about all of the happy and funny things there are to enjoy in life.
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    • Watch funny videos on YouTube to make yourself laugh.
    • Goof around with your friends and allow yourself to be carefree and silly.
    • Swap jokes with your friends to try and make each other laugh.

[Edit]Spend some time outside.

  1. Being out in nature can help you feel happier. Whether you’re taking a stroll around the block or hiking in the wilderness, simply being outside can improve your mood and reduce any stress you may be experiencing. So if you’ve found yourself cooped up indoors recently, make an effort to step outside, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Also, you might find you have a new appreciation for life once you experience the beauty of nature.[14]
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    • One idea is to start a garden so that you can spend a little bit of time outside every day.
    • If you live close to your work, walk to the office when the weather is nice instead of driving.
    • Play sports that you can do outdoors to get your fix of exercise and sunlight, such as soccer, tennis, or beach volleyball.

[Edit]Take a break from social media.

  1. Disconnect from apps to better appreciate what’s right in front of you. Even though you can quite literally see everything in the world on your smart device, it doesn’t compare to experiencing the real thing for yourself. If you find yourself spending the majority of your day logged onto social media like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, make an effort to take a break and invest that time in fun activities or hanging out with friends.[15]
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    • Unfortunately, social media can also spark some negative feelings in you, especially if you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to other people and the (supposedly) perfect lives they’re living.
    • Quitting cold turkey can definitely be hard, so cut back to only 1 or 2 hours of social media use a day to start.

[Edit]Turn off the news every now and then.

  1. Consuming too much negative news can lead to stress. While it’s great to keep up with current events, the news can take a toll on your happiness levels if a lot of negative things have happened recently. Even just skipping the news for a day or two might help ease your worries and leave you feeling calmer and more content.[16]
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    • If you still want to read the news, avoid potentially stressful topics like politics.
    • If the news is all over your social media, unfollow controversial figures, political accounts, or anyone else who may bring negativity to your timeline.

[Edit]Take some time to rest.

  1. Take a break from your busy life and stressors. Life is a little less enjoyable when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. So to keep yourself feeling refreshed and energized, take a break every now and then to just rest, relax, and recuperate. How you rest can look different for every person, but some ideas include:[17]
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    • Sitting and reading a book
    • Taking a nap
    • Going for a walk
    • Watching a movie
    • Coloring, drawing, or working on a craft

[Edit]Exercise often.

  1. Reduce your stress through exercise. Working out has a plethora of benefits that’ll make your life even more enjoyable. Along with combating a number of health conditions and diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, and many types of cancers, exercising also improves your mood and can help up your self-confidence. You’ll also get a burst of energy thanks to being physically active, so you’ll be ready to seize the day after a good workout. Examples of how you can stay fit include:[18]
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    • Playing sports with your friends or family
    • Doing home workouts by following online tutorials and videos
    • Signing up for tai chi or yoga classes
    • Getting up in the morning to go for a jog
    • Signing up for a gym membership

[Edit]Eat healthy.

  1. A healthy diet can make you feel happier. It’s no secret that maintaining a healthy diet has countless benefits. Not only do healthy foods reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease, stroke, and some cancers, but they also improve your overall well-being and give you lots of energy. Being more conscious of your diet might also motivate you to cook your own meals, which can be super fun and rewarding. To eat healthy:[19]
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    • Eat plenty of whole fruits.
    • Add a variety of colorful vegetables to each meal.
    • Choose whole grains for your cereal, bread, crackers, and pasta.
    • Go for lean meats instead of fatty meats.
    • Talk to your doctor about taking supplements to boost your immune system.

[Edit]Get enough sleep.

  1. Getting more sleep helps to improve your mood. A good night’s rest has so many benefits. It can help you avoid getting sick, maintain a healthy weight, focus better, and even be more friendly with other people. You’ll enjoy life more when you’re in a good mood, and an adequate amount of sleep can help you start every day off on the right side of the bed.[20]
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    • Most adults need at least 7 hours of good-quality sleep each night while children need anywhere from 8 to 13 hours depending on their age.
    • Stick to a sleep schedule to make sure you’re getting enough rest each night.
    • One of the best ways to improve your sleep is to exercise during the day.[21]

[Edit]Practice gratitude.

  1. Count your blessings and focus on the positives. When you live each day with a grateful heart and mind, you begin to notice the many positives that bless your life. Not only that but taking the time to thank others and show them your appreciation can make their day a little brighter as well. Here are some ways to practice gratitude:[22]
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    • Start a gratitude journal and write 3-5 things you’re grateful for every day.
    • Count your blessings each night before you go to bed.
    • Write a letter of gratitude to your loved ones and the people who have helped you.
    • Look for the positive in a negative event from your past. Look for things you learned or consider how you became stronger despite the circumstances.

[Edit]Record happy moments.

  1. Take photos or keep a journal to always remember the good times. When you remember and reminisce about happy moments that happened in the past, you’ll feel even more positive emotions in the present. So when something great happens or you just feel really happy, do something to save that memory. For example:[23]
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    • Take photos of friends, places you’ve traveled, good food you’ve eaten, and more.
    • Journal each day or just write down the good things that happened.
    • Save memorabilia from important events, such as concert tickets, newspaper articles, or posters.

[Edit]Nurture your relationships.

  1. Surround yourself with positive and loving people. Sometimes there’s nothing more enjoyable than spending time with beloved family members or great friends. Make an effort to maintain your social connections and spend quality time with the people closest to you. Meet up to share a meal, spend holidays together, and continue any fun traditions you have together.[24]
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    • Even if you can’t meet up in person, make an effort to stay connected by texting, calling, or interacting over social media.
    • Give sincere compliments to the people you love to show them how much you value their presence in your life.

[Edit]Give back to others.

  1. Volunteer and help people in your community. Offering your skills, time, and effort for the sake of helping others can be an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience. Volunteer with a local charity or other organization, or find another way to get involved and help others. For example: [25]
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    • Donate clothes, shoes, books, or furniture.
    • Tutor someone in a subject you excel at.
    • Donate blood.
    • Buy a meal for someone.
    • Start a fundraiser for a cause you believe in.
    • Do random acts of kindness for strangers.

[Edit]Treat others with compassion.

  1. Practice empathy and be kind to everyone. Life is so much more enjoyable when you treat others with kindness and compassion. Even if you don’t know someone all that well or they’re just a stranger on the street, it never hurts to be nice and put your best foot forward. When you treat others kindly, you’ll be sure to receive the same kindness in return. Some ways to practice compassion include:[26]
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    • Practicing good manners and always saying “please’ and “thank you.”
    • Keeping your language positive when posting on social media.
    • Being a good listener to someone when they confide in you.
    • Acknowledging and respecting everyone’s opinions.
    • Comforting someone when they’re upset.


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[Edit]Quick Summary

  7. [v161298_b01]. 6 March 2020.
  8. [v161298_b01]. 6 March 2020.
  24. [v161298_b01]. 6 March 2020.

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