Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How to Does My Crush Like Me Quiz

Having a crush is the best thing in the world—except when it’s the worst! All those lovey-dovey butterflies can quickly turn into nervousness. Suddenly, you're stuck analyzing their every move, wondering whether or not they like you back...

Luckily, we’ve got the perfect quiz for you! Answer these questions, and you'll learn to identify the secret signs that your crush is into you, so you can stop worrying and start loving. Click "Start Quiz" to finally get your answer!

Sitting in a group of people, a woman holds her drink and smiles admiringly over at the man next to her.

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Does My Crush Like Me?
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1. Does your crush follow you on social media?
  1. Totally—they tag me in posts and always comment on mine with inside jokes.
  2. Yep. We don’t interact publicly, but I get sooo many DMs of memes from them.
  3. Yeah, we like each others’ posts but that’s it.
  4. No, they never accepted my follow request.
2. Which of these texts are you most likely to get from your crush?
  1. “Good morning :)”
  2. “Hey what’s up”
  3. “Did you do the homework for tomorrow?”
  4. They don’t have my number.
3. What kind of energy do they have around you?
  1. Nervous. They’re always fidgeting or blushing—it’s so cute!
  2. Friendly. There’s lots of teasing and laughing whenever we talk.
  3. Pretty normal. They’re happy enough, but nothing out of the ordinary.
  4. Bored. They seem so out of it–what am I doing wrong?!
4. Your crush is sitting across the classroom from you. How much eye contact are you making?
  1. Our eyes are locked like Romeo and Juliet.
  2. I catch them looking at me, but then they look away quickly.
  3. Just every once in a while, but I try and make the most of it.
  4. They’re usually just looking at their friends or out the window. Typical.
5. How much physical contact do they make with you?
  1. They’ll use any excuse to touch my arm or my hand. Swoon!
  2. We brush shoulders in the hallway, and it feels kinda intentional.
  3. One time they accidentally ran into me in gym class. Is that good or bad?
  4. We never touch—it’s like there’s a brick wall between us!
6. How many questions do they ask you in conversations?
  1. SO many—it’s like I’m a celebrity on a talk show.
  2. I don’t really keep track but our conversations are fun!
  3. They’re nice, but sometimes I have to carry the conversation.
  4. I still haven’t gotten the courage to talk to them yet.
7. What do your friends say about your crush?
  1. “Come on, why don’t you guys just get together already?”
  2. “Eek! They totally just smiled at you.”
  3. “Here they come! Time to shoot your shot.”
  4. “Will you give it up already? There’s no chance!”
8. At a party, your crush is:
  1. Dancing by your side, even during the slow songs.
  2. Offering to get you a snack or a drink.
  3. Saying hi to you and starting a nice conversation.
  4. Moving from group to group, talking to everyone at the party.
9. Is your crush attracted to people of your gender?
  1. Yes, I’m sure.
  2. I’m pretty sure they are…
  3. Now that I think about it, I don’t know.
  4. No, they’re not, but I’m still into them.
10. Are they in a relationship right now?
  1. Nope—they’re 100% single.
  2. Not right now, but they did just get out of a relationship.
  3. They’re rumored to be interested in someone, but I’m not so sure.
  4. Yes they are. It’s heartbreaking.
11. If you said, “Brrrrr… I’m cold,” what do you think your crush would do?
  1. Give you their jacket and rub your arms to help you heat up. How sweet!
  2. Tease you about how you’re always feeling chilly. They’re so fun.
  3. Say, “Oh, sorry, I wish I had an extra coat.”
  4. Wait a few seconds and then reply, “Huh, yeah I guess it is kinda cold.”
12. Do you talk about crushes with them?
  1. They always ask me if I have a crush—I think they’re hoping I like them!
  2. They asked me once or twice if I was dating anyone.
  3. They don’t ask about my love life. What does that mean?
  4. Yeah, and they said they had a crush on someone else.
13. Have you spent time with them one-on-one?
  1. Oh yeah, and it totally felt like a date. I thought we were about to hold hands!
  2. Yeah– it was a friend vibe at first but they kept smiling at me, so maybe they’re interested?
  3. Yes, but only at school.
  4. We’re not close like that yet. I’m working on it!
14. How long are your text conversations with your crush?
  1. We stay up late texting for hours about anything and everything.
  2. Once we get going, it can last for a solid hour.
  3. Usually just question-and-answer type conversations.
  4. They don’t have my number. RIP.
15. Does your crush know your birthday?
  1. Yes, and they got me a cute present last year! They’re so thoughtful.
  2. Yeah, they texted me ‘happy birthday’ before school last year.
  3. Not really– they probably just hear from other people that it’s my birthday.
  4. No, they didn’t say anything on my last birthday.
16. How does your crush act around you compared to around their friends?
  1. They’re a lot more nervous and giggly around me.
  2. They seem more talkative around me.
  3. Pretty much the same.
  4. They’re way less energetic around me.
17. How open are you with your crush?
  1. We tell each other all our secrets and our wildest dreams for the future.
  2. I wouldn’t say it gets that deep, but we’re honest with each other.
  3. We have good conversations sometimes.
  4. It’s only ever small talk.
18. If your relationship with your crush was a song, what would it be?
  1. “Lucky” by Jason Mraz (feat. Colbie Caillat)
  2. “You Belong With Me” by Taylor Swift
  3. “Dancing on my Own” by Robyn
  4. “Creep” by Radiohead (or maybe, “Liability” by Lorde)
19. Is your crush a longtime friend of yours?
  1. Yes, but there’s always been that *tension*.
  2. No, but we’ve been getting closer and closer recently.
  3. Yes, and they usually keep their friendships strictly platonic.
  4. No, we don’t really know each other yet.
20. Does your crush give you compliments?
  1. So many. And about the sweetest things, too, like my personality and my laugh.
  2. Some, but mostly just about little things like my shoes.
  3. Last week I could tell they liked my hair, even if they didn’t say it.
  4. No, they barely even look at me when we pass in the hallway.

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[Edit]Telltale Signs of a Crush

Body language: When someone is around their crush, their whole body changes. They get fidgety, they blush, their eyes get wider, and they smile. As a result, they might look flustered, sweaty, happy, nervous, or excited. This happens because when you’re in love, the body is flooded with neurochemicals like dopamine and oxytocin and your nervous system is activated. It basically prompts your fight-or-flight response!

They also will probably mirror their crush’s body language, make physical contact, and get closer to their special someone. Look for those body language signs if you want to know if someone has a crush on you.

Different behavior: Beyond their body language, someone will do things differently if they have a crush on you. For one, they’ll take any excuse to spend time with you, since they love being with you so much. They’ll also pay attention to you and do nice things–they might notice you haven’t eaten breakfast yet and get you a muffin, or see that you’re upset and do something to make you laugh.

They’re also likely to make sure they look nice around you, so notice if they dress up nice, do their hair, wear perfume or cologne, or freshen their breath for otherwise normal hangouts. Lastly, they’ll probably laugh a lot when they’re around you. You make them so happy that even the smallest thing can make them giggle!

Things they say: If someone has a crush on you, they might let it slip in the way they talk. They can’t help but show how much they like you.

They’ll compliment you a lot, on everything from your overall appearance to specific things like your smile, your shoes, your hair, or your sense of humor. This is one of the biggest signs that someone likes you, especially if the compliments come frequently.

They also might tease and joke with you a lot. This is a way that a lot of people flirt. They might have inside jokes with you, a silly nickname, or gently tease you for little silly things you do. That’s a way for them to show that they know you well and consider you a close relationship.

Social signs: If they like you, chances are that other people might have found out before you. If you pay attention to social signals, you can discover if the rumor is true that they have a crush on you.

Observe how their friends act when you’re around. If they try to embarrass them, compliment them, or get the two of you talking together, it’s likely that they have a crush on you and their friends know. Your friends might also have a sense of your chances together. Pay attention to whether or not they encourage you to go after your crush—or if they seem nervous about you going through with your romantic instincts.

Personality: Unfortunately, it’s really hard to tell whether someone being nice to you or being nervous around you is a sign of actual interest, or if that’s just the kind of person they are.

It can help to compare how they act around you to how they act around other people. For example, if they have a nickname for you, that’s normally a good sign–unless they have nicknames for practically everyone in the grade, in which case it doesn’t mean much. Asking you lots of questions in conversation is good, but if they’re just a curious person that always asks questions, it doesn’t mean the same thing.

Notice whether they’re normally confident but act shy around you, or if they’re normally introverted but seem really excited and talkative when you’re around. Those are good signs that the way they act around you isn’t just a matter of personality, but about how much they like you.

Of course, even if someone loves being around you, their interest could be as a friend as opposed to as a crush. To know that it’s romantic and not platonic, the most reliable method is to talk about it, even though it’s scary. Luckily, this quiz will give you a good first test of whether your feelings are reciprocated — if so, talking about it with your crush could lead to a real romance!

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