Friday, July 12, 2024

How to Most Stubborn Zodiac

Your guide to understanding each zodiac sign and the traits that influence their stubbornness

Ever wondered why some people are so wildly stubborn while others are totally easygoing? Your zodiac sign can explain why, and this article will walk you through everything you need to know. Read on for a complete list of the signs ranked from most stubborn to least stubborn so you can learn more about yourself—and the important people in your life as well!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Taurus, Capricorn, and Leo are typically the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. They don’t want to change their way of life for anyone!
  • Signs like Virgo, Cancer, and Sagittarius aren’t usually stubborn but can be when their values are challenged.
  • Gemini, Libra, and Pisces are the least stubborn zodiac signs. Gemini loves to go with the flow, while Pisces and Libra like accommodating other people.



  1. As the sign of the bull, the bullheaded Taurus will never back down. Taurus is undoubtedly the most stubborn sign of the entire zodiac. When challenged or questioned in any way, Taurus won’t bend in the slightest; they’ll stand their ground and dig their heels in. Taurus has a set way of life, moral code, and values, and there’s no changing it for anything.[1]
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    • Taurus is especially stubborn when it comes to communicating with others; they have a hard time seeing different perspectives and can argue for hours on end.
    • Their stubbornness also makes them loyal. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Tauruses are very sweet and dedicated partners. Still, it takes work to compromise with a Taurus lover!
    • Taurus is a fixed zodiac sign, meaning they’re stable and dependable. However, fixed signs also tend to be the most stubborn of the pack.


  1. Single-minded Capricorns chase their goals and won’t yield to anyone. Capricorn is (slightly) more flexible than Taurus in that it is possible to change their mind—if you have undeniable proof. When Capricorn is sure of something, on the other hand, there’s no changing them. Ambitious and driven, Capricorn is particularly stubborn about their career; they won’t put their plans on hold for anything.[2]
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    • Capricorn’s stubbornness often comes from their love of being self-sufficient. They want to feel in charge of their lives, so they have a hard time relaxing and letting go.
    • Capricorn is a cardinal sign, meaning they’re go-getters and leaders who like to take charge and make things happen. This determination to succeed makes them stubborn.


  1. Leo hates being wrong—so they’ll rarely admit it even when they are. A fire sign ruled by the Sun, Leo has a big ego and doesn’t take kindly to having that ego insulted. Leo is also bold, charming, and a natural leader, and will always stand their ground and speak their mind.[3] In fact, you’ll usually find Leo persuading others to see their side of things, not the other way around!
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    • As another fixed sign, Leo believes their way is best. They’re warm and friendly most of the time, but the claws come out when Leo feels challenged.
    • Leo’s stubbornness also manifests in their relationships; they’re incredibly loyal. However, that stubborn loyalty doesn’t always work in Leo’s favor, as they can be slow to leave unhealthy relationships.


  1. Scorpio has a strong sense of self and always sticks to their principles. Most water signs are typically seen as having “go with the flow” energy, but Scorpio is the glaring exception. This zodiac sign has an intense personality; they approach life with a do-or-die attitude and single-minded determination. Scorpio can be flexible, but not when it comes to their deeply-held values.
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    • Scorpio’s point of view is difficult to change, and they don’t mind openly disagreeing with someone. In fact, Scorpio enjoys a bit of rivalry!
    • Unsurprisingly, Scorpio is also a fixed sign. They can be a real force of nature and are very determined, but that can also make them act ruthlessly at times.


  1. Aries are assertive and spirited; they don’t like being bossed around. Ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression, Aries is action-oriented with a natural affinity for leadership. As the sign of the ram, Aries also embodies a ram’s innate stubbornness—they like to do things their way, no matter the consequences. They don’t always try to overpower people, but their dominant energy makes it inevitable.
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    • Aries’ stubbornness likely comes from their deep desire for independence and lack of patience. They don’t want to be told what do to or held back from doing what they want.
    • Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Another go-getter, Aries loves taking risks and throwing themselves into new projects, no matter what anyone thinks of them.


  1. Forward-thinking Aquarius doesn’t like their ideals to be challenged. An intelligent and creative air sign, Aquarius is known for being one of the most progressive thinkers of the zodiac. They like new and radical ideas for making the world a better place and can be stubborn when someone suggests a different way of thinking—especially old or traditional ideas.
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    • Aquarius is the final fixed sign, and like all the other fixed signs, they find it difficult to consider other perspectives and dislike any criticism, whether it’s valid or not.
    • Free-spirited Aquarius dislikes being questioned by authority figures; it makes them even more stubborn out of spite!


  1. Virgo is mainly easygoing but needs proof before changing their minds. When it comes to stubbornness, Virgo can go either way. They’re flexible by nature, but they’re also extremely analytical and perfectionists.[4] That means Virgo wants solid evidence before they agree with a new perspective and holds themselves (and everyone else) to a high standard—and they won’t settle for less.
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    • Virgo’s stubbornness mainly comes from their judgmental side. As a perfectionist, Virgo can be extremely critical, and it’s not easy to change their judgments once made.
    • Virgo is a mutable sign, which is typically the most flexible modality. Mutable signs are more comfortable with change and transitions, including Virgo. They may be stubborn at times, but are overall quite adaptable!


  1. Sagittarius can fixate on their life goals but is generally flexible. Normally, Sagittarius is fun, friendly, and free-spirited; they thrive on personal freedom and hate being confined to a set routine. The only times Sagittarius is inflexible is when they’re pursuing a goal or defending their perspective. Worldly Sagittarius relies on their experiences for guidance rather than somebody else’s opinions.
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    • Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which is why they’re ordinarily so adaptable and adventurous.


  1. Sensitive Cancer is most stubborn when protecting traditions. As a water sign, Cancer is deeply emotional and usually always in tune with the emotions of those around them. They’re not typically stubborn because they prefer to be supportive and adaptable for the people they care about. Cancer’s occasional stubbornness shows in their need to uphold tradition; they don’t like change or surprises.
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    • The only other time you might see a Cancer get stubborn is when they feel someone has wronged them. Because they’re so sensitive, Cancer tends to hold long grudges.


  1. Charming Libra likes to make others happy, so they’re rarely stubborn. An air sign represented by the scales, charming Libra is the picture of balance and diplomacy. They’re always friendly and love being around other people, and because Libra dislikes conflict, they’re quick to apologize when someone is upset or go with the flow when plans change.[5]
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    • Libra’s diplomatic nature means they prefer to keep an open mind about most things, but they may also have trouble sharing their opinions.
    • Libra is so dedicated to peace and harmony that they may end up ignoring problems that must be addressed.
    • Libras are extremely easy to get along with because they’re upbeat and optimistic people who have no problem adjusting to any situation.


  1. Curious Gemini loves new ideas and activities and rarely gets stubborn. Unlike other flexible signs, Gemini isn’t so much a people-pleaser as they are just happy to explore, learn, and go with the flow.[6] As a highly intelligent air sign, Gemini is always looking for new information, so they aren’t defensive when someone offers a different perspective—they’re fascinated!
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    • Gemini is also a mutable sign, and their adaptability comes with a tendency to be indecisive. Thus, Gemini is happy for other people to call the shots; they’ll try anything once.
    • Gemini’s impulsive nature makes them a little flighty and unreliable. Still, at their core, they’re outgoing, positive, and have a wicked sense of humor, making them valuable to any friend group!


  1. Pisces is one of the most easy-going and indecisive zodiac signs. Another sensitive water sign, Pisces is also deeply intuitive and capable of sensing (and matching) anyone’s energy. They find it easy to perceive and empathize with your emotions, which means they’re eager to do things that make other people happy. Making people feel good makes Pisces feel good in turn.
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    • The only thing Pisces really gets stubborn about is their need for space. Dreamy Pisces needs to be able to escape the real world and unwind in their own world sometimes, and they take that seriously.


[Edit]Expert Interview

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