Tuesday, July 9, 2024

How to Am I Ready For A Relationship Quiz

Relationships offer fun, comfort, and companionship, but how do you know when you’re ready to commit?

Maybe you’ve been burned in the past, or maybe this would be your first serious relationship. Either way, we love that you’re being thoughtful about your romantic life. By waiting until you’re truly ready, you’re allowing yourself to be the best partner possible. To find out if you’re finally ready for a relationship, take our quiz!

A woman holds her phone and, with her hand on her chin, looks to her side, smiling subtly and thinking.

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Am I Ready For A Relationship?
Take this quiz to find out!

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1. What do you look for in a partner?
  1. Someone who brings joy to my life.
  2. I guess I’m not sure yet?
  3. Let me pull out my list. I have about 20 specific requirements.
  4. As long as they’re hotter than my ex was, I’m good.
2. If I’m being honest with myself, I’m dating to:
  1. Find someone I love.
  2. Why does anyone date? I don’t know—just because.
  3. To find the partner who checks all of my boxes.
  4. To distract myself from other things.
3. What kind of partner do you want to be yourself?
  1. I want to support, respect, and love another person.
  2. I guess I want to treat them how they treat me.
  3. I haven’t really thought about that.
  4. I want to stop making the same mistakes I’ve made in the past.
4. What makes a relationship work long-term?
  1. Communication and trust.
  2. I still need to figure that out.
  3. Finding someone perfect for you.
  4. Dating someone better than your last partner.
5. The number one most important thing to me right now is:
  1. My health and happiness.
  2. That’s a really difficult question.
  3. Finding love.
  4. Moving on from old hurt and heartbreak.
6. Do you find or create long-lasting love?
  1. It’s a little bit of both
  2. I have no idea.
  3. You find love.
  4. You create love.
7. What scares you most about relationships?
  1. Letting myself care about someone can feel a little scary, but I’m not really afraid anymore.
  2. Falling into a serious relationship that I didn’t plan for.
  3. Being disappointed by my partner once I get to know them.
  4. I’m really scared of getting hurt again.
8. How do you feel about yourself?
  1. I’m at peace with who I am.
  2. I’m still figuring that out.
  3. I’m looking for someone to complete me.
  4. I feel like I’ve been under-appreciated in the past. It’s affected my self-esteem.
9. If you didn’t find someone to date soon, how would that leave you feeling?
  1. I’m in no rush, so I’d be fine.
  2. I’m not sure.
  3. I’d be upset. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever!
  4. I’d probably feel a little lonely.
10. When you meet someone new that you like, what’s your first thought?
  1. I’d like to get to know this person better.
  2. I’ll wait for them to reach out to me.
  3. I should figure out what they do for work, ASAP.
  4. They’re much cuter than my ex.
11. Is a relationship ever worth it if it detracts from your overall happiness?
  1. No.
  2. Not sure.
  3. Yes, if they’re the one.
  4. It wasn’t with my ex.
12. What’s your deal breaker in a relationship?
  1. They detract from happiness instead of adding to it.
  2. I don’t have any.
  3. I have tons. It could be their job, their goals, their table manners—you name it.
  4. They remind me of my old flame.

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[Edit]The Relationship Checklist: Am I Really Ready?

Being ready for a fulfilling relationship is different from wanting to be in one. When you’re truly ready, it means you’re prepared to give love in a healthy way (and you’re ready to receive it, too!). Before you dive in, check out our pre-relationship checklist below:

You know what you want from a relationship. Long-term or short-term, serious or casual, open or closed—it’s up to you to decide what you want and to communicate that to your partner.

You’ve thought about your needs, boundaries, and deal breakers. You don’t want to get caught up in a relationship that doesn’t serve your happiness. Reflect on what you can and can’t accept before you get involved with someone. Would you stay with an unfaithful partner? Could you handle a partner who is too busy to hang out regularly?

You understand your relationship patterns and you’re working on them. Do you have an anxious attachment style? Maybe you’re working on giving partners more independence. Or, do you have an avoidant attachment style? In that case, your focus might be communication.

You have realistic expectations for your relationship. You know that relationships require flexibility and acceptance. Things won’t always be perfect, but you’re committed to working through your issues as they come.

You know that honest, respectful communication is key. During arguments, your goal will be to find a solution, not to win or to control your partner. You’re ready to use “I feel” statements and to take responsibility when you make mistakes.

You’ll be a dependable and supportive partner. In good times and in bad, you plan on being there for them (just like you’d expect your partner to do for you!). You want to be someone your partner can rely on—which means showing up when it counts.

You plan to affirm and respect your partner. You know that healthy relationships are all about positive interactions. You know that complimenting, thanking, and showing kindness to your partner will be extremely important.

You understand that in a relationship, you should both have your own identities. You know that for the two of you to be truly happy together, you’ll have to live your own lives, too. The passions and people that are important to you now should still be important to you in a relationship.

You plan to continue taking care of yourself while in a relationship. At the end of the day, you know that you’ll both need to be happy for the relationship to work out. You plan on paying attention to your moods, practicing self-care, and doing what makes you happy—even while you support your partner, too.

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