Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How to Become Ambidextrous

Most people are naturally either right-handed or left-handed, but some people (the lucky ones) are ambidextrous. Did you know that you can actually become ambidextrous though, even if you aren't already? That's right—by following the steps below, soon you'll be writing and doing activities like sports with both hands equally. Keep reading to get started!


[Edit]Getting Comfortable with Your Other Hand

  1. Do exercises to strengthen your non-dominant hand and fingers. Your non-dominant hand is most likely a lot less strong than your dominant hand, which makes it harder at first to become ambidextrous. Lift some light weights with your non-dominant hand every other day, with a focus on keeping a tight grip to work your hands rather than your arms.[1] Use heavier weights as you go to continue strengthening your hand.[2]
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    • Lifting weights is one of the best ways to strengthen your hand, but you can also use a grip exerciser to work out your hand.
    • You may also benefit from juggling or simply tossing a ball up into the air with your non-dominant hand. This will make you more comfortable using that hand while also developing better hand-eye coordination.
    • Focus on activities that help with your coordination and function.[3]
  2. Use your non-dominant hand to work the computer mouse. There are lots of benefits to switching your mouse hand, but one of the main benefits is that it increases the dexterity in your non-dominant hand. Simply move your ordinary mouse over to the opposite side of the computer and use it as you normally would from here on out.[4]
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    • You can also opt to invest in an “ambidextrous” mouse from a tech store, but it’s much simpler to just use an ordinary mouse.
  3. Start performing small daily tasks with your non-dominant hand. Use your non-dominant hand to do things like brush your teeth, open doors, put on accessories, or clean up around your home. Do this as consistently as you can to make using your non-dominant hand feel less awkward.[5]
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    • Try to do as much as you can with your non-dominant hand, such as applying soap and shampoo when you bathe. You may not realize it, but you probably do most of these small tasks with your dominant hand.
    • Make sure to brush your teeth correctly when using your non-dominant hand. If you’re not comfortable brushing with this hand, you may inadvertently underbrush.
    • If you play an instrument, try playing with your non-dominant hand instead of your ordinary method of playing.
  4. Eat and cook with your non-dominant hand after a few days. Use your non-dominant hand to move pots and pans, to stir food, and to serve it. Hold your silverware with your non-dominant hand and use it to move the food to your mouth. You may have to do this slowly at first to avoid dropping the food, but it will get easier with time![6]
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    • It’s best to spend a few days getting used to performing small tasks with your non-dominant hand first, since cooking with boiling water or other heated materials can be a bit more dangerous.
  5. Tie your dominant hand behind your back to be even more immersive. This method will force you to exclusively use your non-dominant hand to do everything. This is a great way to make your mind and body quickly adapt to using this hand, but you may want to do it after a few days of practice first.
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    • The easiest way to do this would be tie your dominant wrist with rope, then tie the other end of that rope to the belt loop on the back of a pair of pants. This is a bit difficult to do by yourself, so you may need to have someone help you.

[Edit]Writing and Drawing with Your Non-Dominant Hand

  1. Hold a pen or pencil with your non-dominant hand the same way you would with the other hand. Write with your good hand in the mirror to see how it would look writing with your other hand. This gives you a clear visual cue to the method and helps your brain to picture the same action for your non-dominant hand. Then, practice holding the pen or pencil with your non-dominant hand so that it feels more comfortable.[7]
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    • Don’t "claw" your hand. It may be tempting to grasp the pen as tightly as possible, causing your hand to ball up like a claw, but this will only stop you from writing effectively and can end up hurting your hand.
    • Make sure you use a high-quality pen or pencil so you don't have to press hard on the paper.[8]
  2. Start by tracing the alphabet with your non-dominant hand. Start with lowercase letter and once the feeling becomes natural, you should then switch to uppercase. This will “introduce” your other hand to the ordinary movements involved in writing in a very easy way. Aim to produce straight lines and clean curves, but don’t worry if you make a lot of mistakes at first. Perform this practice routine for at least 10 minutes a day until you feel comfortable making clean movements.
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    • Your hand may strain at the beginning, but just take a break and try again later. The tension will eventually go away.
    • Be sure to trace out the alphabet using your non-dominant hand in lowercase, uppercase, and cursive letters (if you know cursive).
    • Secure your piece of paper to your writing surface so it doesn't slide around.[9]
  3. Move on to writing letters without tracing and drawing simple shapes. Pin down some paper and start drawing butterflies, vases, symmetrical objects, letters, shapes, and whatnot. Although you may think your writing is awful at first, write a couple of lines every day from the start. You will only get better with practice![10]
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    • It may be helpful to buy a handwriting book designed for children and follow along with the exercises. Using your non-dominant hand to color in a coloring book is also a good idea.
    • As you do this, pay attention to which letters you struggle with the most and spend some extra time practicing them.
  4. Practice writing your name and full sentences. Your name will be the writing movement that you’re probably most familiar with, so it’s a very good set of letters to practice on. Try writing out a 3- to 5-sentence paragraph every day to get more comfortable with writing at length with your non-dominant hand.[11]
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    • Don't keep writing the same paragraph every day. Write a different one every day so your non-dominant hand doesn't get used to one paragraph only.
  5. Be sure to practice writing every day to improve your skills. Practice these techniques daily for at least a month, maybe longer. Soon, you'll be writing much more comfortably with your non-dominant hand, with very few mistakes.[12]
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    • Try keeping a daily journal that you write in exclusively with your non-dominant hand.

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How to Cope With Friends Who Turn Against You

One of the downsides of friendships is the potential for a friend to backstab or betray you. When a friend turns against you, it may feel like the end of the world, especially if this person is who you would normally turn to during times of need. Coping with friends who turn against you requires compassionate attention to your own emotions as well as closely considering the status of the current relationship and moving forward accordingly. Learn how to care for your hurt feelings and handle a disloyal friend, too.


[Edit]Dealing with Hurt Feelings

  1. Acknowledge the pain of disloyalty. It hurts to have someone turn against you or to find out someone you thought was a close friend may not really be who you thought. It's normal to be upset and there is no need to hide the fact that you are hurt.
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    • Acknowledge the pain by stating it aloud. Name the emotion that you are feeling and own your reaction to it. "I am disappointed because I placed my trust in someone who backstabbed me."[1]
    • While you can acknowledge the feelings, remember you are the only one who controls how you react to this disloyalty. In some cases, this person may be treating you a certain way with the hope that you will react in a big way. It is far better to take a step back and reflect on how you are feeling, instead of acting out in the moment.
  2. Take time to reflect. Just as some romantic relationships benefit from a break, friendships can also benefit from time apart. Take this break to think about any major choices like confronting the friends or completely ending the friendships. You may find that you calm down after a few days, or you may find that during the break you actually feel better without the friends.
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    • You can also use this time to consider opening yourself to making some new friends who are more supportive. Spend time with a few other acquaintances, classmates, or coworkers. Do you notice yourself liking being with these people over your other friends? Do you notice good qualities in these people that your other friends lack?
    • Another way to engage in reflection is to journal. Writing down the experience and your thoughts and feelings associated with it can be incredibly freeing and empowering.[2] You can even brainstorm ideas as to how you want to deal with the aftermath of a friend's betrayal.
  3. Practice regular self-care. Before you can even think about rebuilding trust with your friends, you have to first take care of you. We often put our own feelings on the back burner to avoid feeling bad ourselves or to avoid making others feel bad about their actions against us. Denying yourself time to care for your own needs does not lend itself to creating long-term, healthy friendships.
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    • Forgive yourself for taking a chance on the friendship and to have whatever feelings you had in the moment after you found out about the betrayal. When someone steals from you or goes behind your back to do something it is easy to beat yourself up over letting anyone have the chance to use you.
    • Treat yourself kindly during this time. Do things you like to do—whether that is binge-watching your favorite TV series, getting a manicure, or spending time with family.[3]
  4. Be the bigger person. Don’t entertain urges to get revenge or hold grudges. Try to forgive those that do you wrong, if only so you don’t have to carry the burden of anger. You may feel like you are letting the other person off too easy if you let go of the anger and move on. This is not the case. Holding onto the anger hurts you first and foremost. In many cases, the person you are angry with has already moved on. You take back your power by being the bigger person and not reacting in a vengeful way.[4]
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    • Keep in mind that you can't control what other people do or say about you. Getting angry and nasty will not make you have any more control than you have now. And in the end, if your actions are not in line with your character or beliefs, you will likely feel ashamed or guilty for have acted outside your values.
    • For example, if a friend or classmate is spreading rumors about you, you can choose to not make the situation uglier by doing the same. Step back and come up with a less vindictive manner to handle the situation instead.
    • The old saying “fight fire with fire” really makes little sense in reality. You normally fight fire with water or something else that puts out the fire, right? Don't fuel the fire with attention or your own negative actions because all that happens then is a much bigger fire.
  5. Hang out with fun and supportive friends and family.[5] It can be extremely comforting after betrayal to surround yourself with positive people who want nothing but the best for you. This not only helps you process and cope with a betrayal, but it also reaffirms your value as a person and a friend.[6]
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    • For example, if one friend let you down, be sure to cherish your other friends who have consistently been loyal to you. Let these people know how much you appreciate them.

[Edit]Evaluating Your Relationship

  1. Evaluate your friendship. When a friend who knows you well turns against you, it may affect your personal, social, or career standing. Depending on how much of an impact the rumor or betrayal may have had, you must decide if it’s better to ignore it or address the issue.[7]
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    • If the problem is simply with the one friend involving a minor issue, it's probably pretty safe to just ignore the friend. On the other hand, if your job is at risk or there are allegations that go beyond a small rumor that will blow over, you may need to take other steps to prevent the situation from getting worse.
    • Is everyone talking about the issue? Are there legal ramifications? How many people are aware of what happened? Asking these questions can help you discover the scope of the problem.
    • It may be helpful to talk with an unbiased party about what you can do to resolve this issue. In the end, you must trust your own judgment about how to handle it, but getting some sound advice could be beneficial.
  2. Combat negative effects. If the friend who turned against you spread rumors or bad-mouthed you to others, try to do what you can to counteract those negative perceptions of you.[8]
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    • You can try defending yourself or approaching certain people and trying to explain your side of the story with something like "Those rumors are not true..." Be aware, though, that there is always a chance people won’t want to listen.
    • Actions speak louder than words and may help you to repair your reputation much faster. Instead of wasting time trying to talk your way out of a rumor, use positive actions to show those around you the rumors are simply not true. If people called you a cheater, try to be transparent about your everyday operations to shut down the rumors.
  3. Decide whether or not to confront the person. There are going to be times when you need to say something and there are going to be times where you can just let whatever happened go. Use your judgment of your friend and the situation to determine if a response is necessary.[9]
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    • Think about the positive and negative consequences of confronting someone who hurt you. If you just drop the person as a friend, you will never have a chance to hear his side of the story and potentially clear up what may be a simple misunderstanding. You will also have the opportunity to express how you feel. On the other hand, the person may become verbally abusive or combative, leading to more hurt feelings.
    • If whatever happened between you and your friend seems out of character for him, this might be a time to practice some compassion and just let things go. This will be even truer if you know the friend is going through something and may have turned against you out of desperation.
    • If you do decide to address the issue, say something like “I heard you told our boss I cheated on the project. I’m really hurt by these accusations. I did my part fair and square. I'd like to know why you said those things.”
  4. Determine if you want to repair the friendship. This process is usually tied to balancing how much value you place in the relationship and what actually occurred. You may need to take a close look at this friendship and see if it’s worth fighting for. If the friend is not someone you consider to be close, it might be less stressful to walk away. If, on the other hand, this is a friendship you value, find a way to address the issue in a constructive yet firm way.[10]
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    • Even if this is a friendship you really value, there may be actions so unforgivable that the friendship will not recover. Before you take matters into your own hands, you must be absolutely sure the friend is responsible. Gather evidence that supports your findings before deciding to end the friendship. For example, if there is talk that your best friend is involved with your significant other, you would want to be almost 100% sure before making an accusation.
  5. Mend the friendship if you want. Make recommendations for how the person can prove her loyalty again. Take a step back and look at what caused your friend to turn on you. Was a friend at work feeling jealous of your accomplishments so she lied about the credit for your work? Take this as a compliment and create an opportunity for the friend to come clean and acknowledge your work.[11]
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    • Let your friend know that you do not take forgiveness lightly. Say something like "I forgive you and want to move on from this situation. But, I want you to know that you really hurt me and I may not be able to continue the friendship if this happens again."
    • Set clear boundaries with your friend so he or she understands why you are putting whatever happened behind you. She should know that going forward you expect total loyalty so there is no opportunity to let it happen again. For example, if this was a work project, going forward use a new system of dividing up the work so each team member clearly has his or her own “part”. If the issue came up at home, change the level of access this friend has to your home so there isn't a way for this to happen again.

[Edit]Looking at the Big Picture

  1. Focus on your own behavior. Strive to be a better friend so you attract more loyal friends. Look at the healthy friendships you have mutually enjoyed and learn from those. Learn to be a better you by not allowing yourself to get caught up in drama at work or at home. Let go of unhealthy relationships.[12]
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    • Do not get caught up in a toxic circle of doing negative things because others do them. You will not find friends that are trustworthy if they cannot trust you. When you say you’ll do something, do it. If you make plans with others, follow through with them. Doing small deeds can go a long way to helping you build trustworthiness.
  2. Consider the type of friends you tend to make. The only thing you have absolute control over is you. You get to decide how you react to certain people and who gets space in your life. You do not have to remain friends or even friendly with someone just because you were friends since you were kids or you happen to work in the same office.
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    • If you find work friends are harder to trust because of competition at work, make clear boundaries about not bringing work home. You do not have to be friends or social with co-workers if it is only leading to problems at work.
    • The same goes for friendships you make in other settings. Are these people positive influences? Are they using you? Look at the types of friends you have and the kind of friendship obstacles you encounter. Maybe it’s a good idea to reevaluate all your friendships to see if you are making smart, healthy choices in your relationships.
  3. Don’t compromise your personal values for friendships. This includes hiding things about yourself or family just to keep certain friends. You may find friends act differently in certain contexts and that you cannot always depend on certain friends to be consistent. If you lose a friendship because you need to focus on family, then it wasn't a healthy relationship to begin with.[13]
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    • This also includes ignoring the actions of a friend in the name of friendship. You have the right to stand up for your beliefs. In addition, you should not be pressured to look the other way if a friend does something you feel is wrong or violates the law.

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How to Exfoliate Your Body for Soft Skin

Treat your soft skin right with physical or chemical exfoliation

Who doesn't want soft skin? Exfoliation is a great way to get your skin feeling soft, smooth, and super touchable. And luckily, we've got all the expert tips you need. Read on for a complete guide to exfoliation![1]


[Edit]Exfoliating with Scrubs

  1. Have a bath or shower. While not part of the exfoliating process per se, immersing your body in hot water will open up your pores, making your skin much more susceptible to cleaning. It also helps to do this process in the bathroom, as you'll need a ready supply of hot water and somewhere to wash away the dead skin flakes once they've been scrubbed off. Use a skin-friendly, perfume-free detergent for bath and allow at least 15 minutes to soften (macerating) the skin surface. It is good when the skin surface looks a bit "deformed". Remove "dead skin" by rubbing it away with your hands. It will work well, especially at your feet, toes and heels.
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  2. Get a textured sponge to wash your skin. Tending to your skin with it will help rub away excess skin flakes, leaving your skin softer and cleaner than before. It is recommended you have a sponge ready for use once you have finished up your shower. It should feel slightly rough on your skin, but if it's abrasive to the point of pain, exfoliating wash cloths are a suitable, gentler alternative. [2]
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    • Exfoliating can also be done with a rough washcloth.
    • A natural bristle brush makes for a good alternative, particularly while scrubbing the backs of arms or legs.
    • If you're the do-it-yourself type, you might look into making your own loofah from home.
  3. Scrub your body gently with your sponge starting from the ankles upward. Scrub the sponge over your skin in small, circular motions. Make sure to apply some pressure to feel the sponge's rough texture on your skin; that way, it will rub the surface-layer dead skin away. Starting at the ankles is recommended because it helps to encourage positive blood circulation during the exfoliation process.[3]
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    • If you're exfoliating your entire body, make sure to give extra attention to your heels, elbows, and knees. These are generally considered to be the driest parts of one's skin, and should be given greater attention accordingly.
  4. Add wet sand or salt to your full body exfoliation. If you've ever walked along the beach barefoot, you may have noticed your foot callouses soften. Sand granules are a naturally occurring exfoliant, and their grainy texture is well-suited to scraping away your excess skin flakes. Salt scrubs do the same thing. You can find sand and salt exfoliating products at any store that sells beauty and skincare products.[4]
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    • Be forewarned: Using sand in the bath can cause a bigger mess than more common exfoliants. Although it is recommended to try it out at least once, it may not be the best course of action if you don't have the added time in your routine available to do a bit of cleaning up afterwards. Getting sand down a drain could completely ruin the plumbing pipes if done often.
    • If using sand, it should be cleaned, even bleached, because getting it from outdoors could introduce bacteria and using that to exfoliate would do more harm than good. Choose sand with small granules, not big, because the smaller granules are more gentle on the skin. Focus on the tougher skin of the arms and legs because sand can be more intense than exfoliating scrubs.
  5. Rinse with hot water. Closing up shop with a body rinse is a relaxing and effective way to finish your exfoliation. Although it's recommended you repeat this process at least three times a week, you should notice an immediate softness with your skin.
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    • Applying a moisturizer or shea butter following your rinse, even following an otherwise purely 'mechanical' cleanse, will help your skin better retain moisture.

[Edit]Using Chemical Exfoliators

  1. Look for chemical exfoliators at a store. Although calling it 'chemical exfoliation' may carry the pejorative impression of being unhealthy or unnatural for the skin, most chemical exfoliators are actually based in natural ingredients, like fruits, milks, or sugars. [5]
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    • Many exfoliators are relatively affordable and readily available at your nearest supermarket.
  2. Have a bath or shower.[6] As with the steps pertaining to mechanical exfoliation, having a hot bath or shower will open up your pores, making your skin easier to clean and exfoliate. Attaching the exfoliating process to an existing part of your daily schedule will make it that much easier to make it part of your routine; keep in mind that exfoliation is best approached as a regular part of your life. You may have softer skin immediately after an exfoliating cleanse, but repetition will yield longer lasting results.
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  3. Clean your skin with a store-bought exfoliator. Squirt some exfoliator onto your hands, and begin to rub it onto your skin. Before applying the exfoliator, it's important to make sure your hands are clean; otherwise, you may very well be spreading bacteria to your skin and face. In a gentle, circular motion, swirl the exfoliator around your skin to sweep away any grime and dead skin cells. Take particular care towards exfoliating your face; not only is it the part of you people are going to notice the most, it also carries more oil than other parts of your skin. Three minutes on the face alone should suffice; the rest of the body should warrant a less intensive, but nonetheless attentive do-over with your exfoliator.
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    • When exfoliating your face, take proper care to focus on the central area of your face, from the forehead to the nose to the chin. Collectively, this is referred to as the 'T-Zone', and is notorious for its oiliness.
    • If you'd rather not use a commercial product, you can make your own body scrub by mixing Epsom salt or Himalayan pink salt with olive oil, which you can buy in a grocery store where you'd buy commercial products. You can also mix together sugar and an oil (like olive or coconut) for a DIY face scrub.[7]
    • Always be gentle when you apply an exfoliator.[8]
  4. Rinse your body once you have completed your exfoliating cleanse. Take some water in your hands and wash the product away. Making sure the exfoliant is entirely gone will ensure it doesn't irritate your skin later on. Although the chemical exfoliating process requires less of a 'physical' element than its mechanical counterpart, you should find your skin just as soft and smooth following a proper ritual as you would if you'd used the loofah the whole way through.
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  5. Apply moisturizer. By applying moisturizer following exfoliating, this should limit the dryness or irritation and improve hydration.
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[Edit]Should You Exfoliate in the Morning or at Night?



  • For a dry skin, I recommend you to mix the body scrub with body oil to exfoliate your body so they won't dry.
  • After exfoliating, you must moisturise your skin. You can use cream, lotion, or natural moisturiser like olive oil, shea butter or aloe vera.
  • Don't go in sun right after exfoliating.
  • Although most people will hold a personal preference for one or the other and these two categories have been described and outlined separately, it is recommended that you strike a combination of the two with your at-home exfoliating. Mechanical exfoliating will help best with the dead surface flakes, but using a store-bought product will operate at a deeper level.
  • It is an option to apply the exfoliator with a loofah or cloth to combine it with some mechanical exfoliation.[9] Combining the loofah with the chemical cleanse is recommended if your schedule doesn't permit a lot of time or exfoliating. Make sure to take greater time and care with it; moving the loofah across your body more slowly than you normally would otherwise will give the chemical element time to work its magic on your skin.
  • There are many benefits to exfoliating. If you suffer at all from acne, it will interest you to know that exfoliating will help prevent future breakouts by getting the bacteria out of your pores before it has time enough to make pimples.[10]
  • Exfoliating your skin also has the unexpected bonus of allowing you to achieve a closer shave. [11]


  • Loofahs and other 'body exfoliators' are not recommended for use on your face, as they are likely too abrasive.
  • Some exfoliants, namely cheap and very oil ones, can be very slippery in the bath tub. They might leave a huge mess on the tub floor so that in later showers, washed off dirt could stay caked onto the tub.
  • Physical exfoliants, like scrubs, may be comprised of microbeads. These microbeads are made of non-biodegradable materials, and their widespread use has a negative effect on the environment. As such, they have been banned in certain states and countries.
  • There is such a thing as exfoliating too hard. Do not exfoliate to the point where it's causing you pain. If any part of the process is hurting, your body is trying to tell you something. Stop what you're doing, and wait until the irritation goes away before starting again at a gentler pace. [12]

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How to Color Season Quiz

Do you waffle between outfits, not sure which colors look the most flattering on you? This quiz is for you! Understanding your color season can help you figure out which color palette looks best on you based on your eye color, hair color, and skin tone. Answer these 9 questions to learn if you’re a winter, spring, summer, or autumn!

A color wheel divided into seasonal sections, represented by a winter snowflake, autumn leaf, spring flower, and summer sun.

[Edit]Questions Overview

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What Is My Color Season?
Take this quiz to find out!

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1. What sort of jewelry looks best on you?
  1. Yellow gold.
  2. Silver or white gold.
  3. I love them both!
  4. Neither, or I don’t wear jewelry.
2. Look at your wrists. Are your veins more bluish-green or purplish-blue?
  1. Bluish-green.
  2. Purplish-blue.
  3. Uhh…blue? Just…blue.
  4. I see blue, green, and purple.
3. What color are your eyes?
  1. Dark brown or gold.
  2. Black or gray.
  3. Hazel or olive green.
  4. Light green or blue.
4. Speaking of your eyes, how bright are they?
  1. Very bright. People tell me that they pop.
  2. Pretty bright, but only if I’m wearing certain colors.
  3. They’re a little more stormy and gray.
  4. Not very bright—they’re more muted.
5. Onto the hair! What color is yours?
  1. Reddish brown or black.
  2. Golden blonde, warm light brown, or red.
  3. Bleach blonde, ash blonde, or ash brown.
  4. Red, brown, or black with blue undertones.
6. Now, how light is your hair color?
  1. Very light—like bleach-blonde light!
  2. Pretty light—think ash blonde or light brown.
  3. Pretty dark—think chestnut brown or deep red.
  4. Extremely dark—if not pure black, then very deep brown.
7. Let's talk about skin tone next. How light is your skin?
  1. My skin is very pale.
  2. My skin is pretty light, but not super pale.
  3. My skin is pretty dark, but not that dark.
  4. My skin is very dark.
8. Compared to your skin tone, how much do your eyes and/or hair pop?
  1. A lot! My eyes and/or hair are significantly darker or lighter than my skin.
  2. A fair amount. My eyes and hair are a little darker/lighter, but it’s not that big of a contrast.
  3. A little. My eyes and hair are almost the same value as my skin.
  4. Not much. My eyes, hair, and skin are pretty much the same value—there’s no contrast.
9. As far as clothes go, what colors do you naturally gravitate towards?
  1. Soft pastels and muted earth tones—like lilac, ballet slipper pink, sage green, or burnt orange.
  2. Subdued dark colors—mostly blue, gray, or navy.
  3. Bright, saturated hues—like firetruck red, piercing turquoise, or highlighter green.
  4. Delicate, fresh shades—think sky blue, mint green, or sunshiny yellow.

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[Edit]What is Seasonal Color Analysis?

Seasonal color analysis is one way to figure out which color palettes look the most flattering on you based on the hue (warm or cool), value (light or dark), and chroma (muted or bright) of your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. There are 4 color seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer—and the color palettes associated with each season might be warm and fertile and earthy, cool and clear and light, or some combination of each:

  • Someone who is a spring will generally have warmer and lighter coloring and will look most flattering in bright, warm hues that mimic the freshness and new life of the springtime season. Many springs have peachy or golden undertones.
  • A summer will likely have cooler and lighter coloring and will look amazing in subtle, soft hues. Most summers have pinkish or bluish undertones.
  • If you’re an autumn, you likely have warmer and darker coloring and may look best in warm tones that match the crisp cozy oranges, browns, reds, and warm greens of fall.
  • As a winter, you probably have cooler and darker coloring and may look best in cool color palettes.

If your color season is warm (i.e., autumn or spring), you may want to wear more warm colors and yellow gold; if your season is cool (winter or summer), you may look best in cooler shades and silver. But color season analysis isn’t a hard-and-fast rule to follow—the most important thing is that you wear what you like and feel comfortable in, so if your seasonal color palette doesn’t align with your personal taste, just do you!

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