Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How to What Book Should I Read Quiz

You race into the bookstore, beyond excited to pick out your next read. But the second you step in front of those shelves, the excitement washes away. There are just too many books to choose from! How do you know which one to read? What are you in the mood for?

Before you start panicking, take a deep breath—we’ve got your back! Choosing which book you should read next can be overwhelming, which is why we’ve put together this quiz. Answer these questions about your reading habits and preferences, and we’ll steer you in the right direction. Who knows? You may just find your next 5-star read!

A book lies open on top of a pile of other books of all different sizes and colors.

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What Book Should I Read?
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1. What’s the first section you browse in the bookstore or library?
  1. The young adult section. I like to keep my reading PG-13.
  2. The new adult section. The steamier the book, the better.
  3. The fiction section. The main priority is forgetting reality.
  4. The monthly displays. I like to see what other readers recommend.
2. You have the day to yourself. What’s your prime reading location?
  1. On the couch with a blanket and my favorite music on in the background.
  2. A coffee shop, preferably a seat next to a window.
  3. My bed. There’s nothing like cuddling up with a good book.
  4. On a hammock outdoors. Reading in the sun is truly magical.
3. In your eyes, how should a book make you feel?
  1. Exhilarated, like I’ve entered into a new and fantastical world.
  2. All warm and cozy, like a giant hug.
  3. On edge, like I’m being watched.
  4. Calm and peaceful, like I’m at a spa.
4. What’s your go-to reading beverage?
  1. Coffee. There’s no tastier way to stay alert.
  2. Tea. It warms my soul, like a book.
  3. Water. Staying hydrated is as important as reading.
  4. Nothing. I don’t sip on drinks while I read.
5. Do you prefer standalones or book series?
  1. Book series. I always know what to read next!
  2. Standalones. No commitment. No cliffhangers. Perfect.
  3. Either. I’ll pick up anything if I like the genre or author.
  4. Series are fine, but I won’t read anything that has more than 3 books.
6. Out of all these book tropes, which is your favorite?
  1. One Bed. Oh, the shenanigans that unfold with 2 people and 1 bed.
  2. Enemies to Lovers. Nothing beats the hero falling for the villain.
  3. Second Chance. Every character is morally grey.
  4. The Chosen One. Give me all the prophecies and save-the-world pressures.
7. The weekend’s here and you can’t wait to relax. What TV show do you binge?
  1. Friends or Schitt's Creek
  2. American Horror Story or The Walking Dead
  3. Lost or Stranger Things
  4. WandaVision or Once Upon a Time
8. What’s something a book must have?
  1. A fast pace. I want to be hooked from the very start.
  2. A love triangle. Give me ships or give me death!
  3. A mystery. I like playing detective.
  4. A plot twist. Things are more interesting when they are unexpected.
9. What do you like to see in a main character?
  1. A sense of humor. They should make me laugh.
  2. Relatable flaws. I want to see myself in them.
  3. A strong will. Stubbornness keeps things interesting.
  4. Kindness. I want to like and support them.
10. If a book has this, it’s an immediate turn off:
  1. History. I prefer my stories in the present time.
  2. Romance. It’s fine as a subplot but not as the main event.
  3. Cliches. I want to read something original.
  4. Magic. Let’s keep things realistic.
11. What’s something your life needs a little bit more of these days?
  1. Excitement.
  2. Drama.
  3. Romance.
  4. Adventure.
12. When it comes to book covers, what are you drawn to?
  1. Cartoon graphic designs. They're so bright and crisp.
  2. Fun lettering and silhouette images. I make up my own interpretations.
  3. Artistic illustrations. The more plot Easter eggs, the better!
  4. Realistic photos. I like to imagine myself on the cover.

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[Edit]What Type of Reader Are You?

If you like to read, you’re a reader. But did you know that, like your favorite characters, you could be a stereotype? Having a reading stereotype isn’t a bad thing—it can be good! There are all types of readers and learning about your reading tendencies can help you read more and also connect with other readers. Take a look at these common reading personalities to see which one resonates the most with you:

The Binge-Reader: Do you get in the mood to read and never want to stop? If so, you’re likely a binge-reader and will stop at nothing until you’ve finished a series or fallen into a reading slump.

The Player: Have a hard time choosing a favorite book? If you answered “yes,” then you may be a player. You bounce from book to book to genre to genre—you read whatever sounds good and grabs your interest in the moment.

The Repeat Reader: Do you tend to reach toward your favorite book in times of crisis? If so, you’re probably a repeat reader. There’s just something about rereading a beloved series or classic that is comforting and soothing.

The Fickle Reader: Is it difficult reading just one book at a time? You're likely a fickle reader if you get bored quickly. You're probably reading multiple books at once right now just so you don’t have to stay too long with one plot.

The Fiction Lover: Is your TBR (To Be Read List) crammed with fantasy and/or science fiction? Then you’re definitely a fiction lover. You tend to lean towards the fantastical helping you briefly escape reality.

The Nonfiction Nerd: Do you naturally reach for memoirs, biographies, and self-help books? If so, you’re a nonfiction nerd. You prefer facts over fiction and love learning about real-life stories. The best ones are the tales of heroes and heroines from the past, those stories that can serve as real-life inspiration today.

The Spoiler Lover: Do you habitually read a book’s last page before you read the first? You’re probably a spoiler lover if you answered “yes.” You hate surprises and plot twists and would rather know what happens before you jump into the book.

The Emotional Reader: Has a book ever made you cry? Well, if this is a habit of yours, then you are likely an emotional reader. You absorb all the feels when you read a book—you practically become the main character!

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