Sunday, May 19, 2024

How to Hand Emoji Meanings

Your guide to every hand emoji’s popular uses (with examples)

There seems to be an emoji for everything these days, and a lot of them are interpreted differently based on who you’re talking to (for example, your great-aunt and your bestie may use the πŸ‘ emoji in…very different ways). When it comes to hand emojis, there’s a five-fingered option for practically any expression you could want. Still, it can be hard to tell what each hand emoji really means. You may want to take notes ✍️ on this definitive guide to every single hand emoji meaning πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ πŸ’ͺ


[Edit]πŸ‘‹ (Waving Hand) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘‹ emoji is used to say hello or goodbye. It can be used in any greeting or farewell scenario. The “Waving Hand” emoji may also be used jokingly. For example, if your friend was teasing you about something, you could say, “I’m out of here” with the πŸ‘‹ emoji.
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    • Example Text: “Hey! πŸ‘‹ It was nice to meet you this morning!”

[Edit]✋ (Raised Hand) Emoji

  1. The ✋ emoji is meant to say “stop.” Just like you might hold up your hand to ask someone to stop in real life, you can do the same thing over text with this emoji. Or, you can use this emoji to express a high five (although the two-handed πŸ™ emoji is more often used for this purpose).
    • In virtual meetings or classes, the “Raised Hand” emoji is used to communicate that you have a question.
    • Example Text: “That’s enough, you can talk to the hand ✋”

[Edit]🀚 (Raised Back of Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🀚 emoji may mean agreement with a current topic. It could also be used to communicate that you’re voting in favor of something or to ask for a high five! Since the “Raised Back of Hand” emoji looks almost identical to the “Raised Hand” emoji, it doesn’t have a lot of popular meanings or uses.
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    • Example Text: “You can count me in! 🀚”

[Edit]πŸ–️ (Hand with Fingers Splayed) Emoji

  1. The πŸ–️ emoji can be used to show the number 5. For this reason, it’s one of the emoji options used to give virtual high fives (along with 🀚, ✋, and πŸ™). Other people may use it to say “hi” or “stop” instead of using the more common πŸ‘‹ and ✋ emojis, respectively.
    • Example Text: “You’re being so annoying like can u stop πŸ–️”

[Edit]🫲 🫱 (Leftwards/Rightwards Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🫲 🫱 emojis may indicate someone lending a helping hand. They may also be used to signify a pat, touch, tap, or indicate a certain direction. You could also use these emojis to say you want to make a deal.
    • Functionally, the “Leftward Hand” and “Rightward Hand” emojis were created to depict a handshake with two different skin tones, which isn’t possible through the standard “Handshake” emoji (🀝).[1]
    • Example Text: “Deal? 🫱🏿🫲🏽”

[Edit]🫳 (Palm Down Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🫳 emoji may mean that someone has dropped something. They may be reaching for a lost object or reaching out to someone. Depending on cultural context, the “Palm Down Hand” emoji could also indicate dismissal, negotiation, or beckoning.[2]
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    • Example Text: “Oops, I dropped my ability to care 🫳”

[Edit]🫴 (Palm Up Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🫴 emoji can represent lifting or offering something up. Depending on cultural context, it may also be used to show that someone is demanding or beckoning for something or someone. Other texters may use it to express the upward-palm gesture used during meditation.
    • Example Text: “Get ready to fork it over 🫴”

[Edit]🫸 🫷 (Leftwards/Rightwards Pushing Hand) Emojis

  1. The 🫸 🫷 emojis can signify rejection or caution. They may be used to ask someone to stop or communicate that you’re holding yourself back from something. Most commonly, however, these two emojis are used together to create a high five.
    • Example Text: "Nice job in the game today! 🫸 🫷"

[Edit]πŸ‘Œ (OK Hand) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘Œ emoji represents agreement or contentment. It’s a visual way of saying, “I’m okay,” “That’s correct,” or “Sounds good.” In rare situations, the “OK Hand” may be used when telling someone how little you care (e.g., you care the same amount as the space between the emoji’s bent fingers).
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    • As of 2019, the American Definition League added the “OK Hand” to its glossary of extremist hate symbols due to its use by white supremacy groups.[3]
    • While this may be an alternative meaning of this emoji, its overwhelming usage and meaning is still to show approval or indicate that someone is okay.[4]
    • Example Text: “Meeting at noon sounds perfect πŸ‘Œ”

[Edit]✌️ (Victory Sign) Emoji

  1. The ✌️ emoji is more commonly known as the peace sign. The peace sign emoji is used to say goodbye or goodnight to people, playing off the English farewell phrase “peace out.”
    • Depending on context, it could also be used to say, “I’m just chilling,” “peace be with you,” or to indicate the number 2.
    • Example Text: “Alright, I’m logging off for the night ✌️”

[Edit]πŸ–– (Vulcan Salute) Emoji

  1. The πŸ–– emoji’s meaning should be clear to any Star Trek fans. This emoji is known as the “Spock” emoji due to its use by the beloved Star Trek character. In the sci-fi franchise (and in emoji-speak), the Vulcan Salute is a greeting with the meaning “Live long and prosper.”[5]
    • Example Text: “Hello, I come in peace πŸ––”

[Edit]🀞 (Crossed Fingers Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🀞is used to wish someone luck. You may also use it to wish for a certain result for yourself. Like the πŸ™ emoji, the “Crossed Fingers” emoji is a good option when you’re trying to manifest a specific outcome. Fingers crossed!
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    • Example Text: “I really hope Jordan shows up to the party tonight 🀞”

[Edit]🀏 (Pinching Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🀏 emoji is used in place of the words “small” or “little.” You may use it to say that you want a small amount of something (like a dessert or drink). Or, you can use it to sarcastically say that you want something just a little bit (like a date with your crush).
    • The “Pinching Hand” emoji can also be used to indicate that something is very small, usually in a teasing way.[6]
    • Example Text: “I’m this (🀏) close to a mental breakdown”

[Edit]🀘 (Sign of the Horns) Emoji

  1. The 🀘 is commonly used to mean “rock on.” It may be used when discussing concerts, music groups, or a general “rock and roll” approach to life. In some countries, however, like Spain, Greece, and Italy, the sign of the horns is a very vulgar gesture used to imply that someone’s partner is unfaithful.[7]
    • The “Sign of the Horns” emoji is often confused with the “Love-You” hand emoji (🀟), but this rockstar symbol features a thumb folded across the rest of the hand.
    • Example Text: “Can’t wait for open mic night tonight 🀘🀘🀘”

[Edit]🀟 (Love-You Hand) Emoji

  1. The 🀟 emoji is used to say “I love you” to someone. This emoji comes from the American Sign Language hand sign that expresses love. The symbol is a combination of the ASL letters I-L-Y, which stands for “I love you.”[8]
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    • The Love-You hand emoji is often confused with the 🀘 emoji, which is often used to say “Rock on!”
    • You can tell these two emojis apart because the love emoji has the thumb pointing outward in the shape of the letter “L” as in “love.”
    • Example Text: “Plane’s about to take off! Love you!! 🀟”

[Edit]🫰 (Index Finger & Thumb Crossed) Emoji

  1. The 🫰 emoji represents love or money. When talking about money, this emoji is similar to how people will rub two fingers together like they’re asking for cash. Or, it can be used to symbolize love as it resembles “finger hearts” popular among K-Pop stans in South Korea.[9]
    • Example Text: “I can’t believe you love BTS as much as I do!! 🫰🫰🫰”

[Edit]🫢 (Heart Hands) Emoji

  1. The 🫢 emoji expresses love and support. You may send the “Heart Hands” emoji in lieu of a classic heart emoji, especially to close friends who need a little extra love.
    • More recently, this millennial version of the real-life heart hand gesture has gotten a lot of use in representing Taylor Swift’s Fearless album era.
    • Example Text: “You’re gonna crush it at your interview today, ily!! 🫢🫢🫢”

[Edit]πŸ€™ (Call Me Hand) Emoji

  1. The πŸ€™ emoji officially means “call me” or “hit me up.” But this emoji is much more commonly used as the shaka emoji, which means “hang loose.” Use this friendly and ~super chill~ emoji to express some laid-back and lighthearted energy.
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    • Example Text: “Can’t wait to get the gang together later πŸ€™”

[Edit]πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ (Index Pointing Left/Right) Emojis

  1. The πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ emojis are almost always used together. They could be used separately to point in a certain direction or to fulfill the same function as an arrow. However, they’re commonly used with the πŸ₯Ί emoji to say that someone is a “simp” or is “simping.”[10]
    • “Simp” is a slang term referring to someone who’s crushing hard on someone else. They’ll do nearly anything for the object of their affection, and the term is sometimes used as an insult.
    • Example Text: “I’m dropping off some Ben and Jerry’s at Lola’s house πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ”

[Edit]☝️ (Index Pointing Up) Emoji

  1. The ☝️ emoji may represent the number one. However, it can also be used to indicate that someone wants to ask a question or as a way to say, “Hold on” or “Wait one second.” Among younger generations, it can mean that you really want to “turn up” that night.
    • In slang, “turn up” or “get turnt” means to go out partying or drink a lot of alcohol.
    • Example Text: “I’m still the number ☝️!!”

[Edit]πŸ‘‡ (Index Pointing Down) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘‡ indicates that someone should look downward. It’s often used on social media sites as a nudge look down, usually so the reader can follow a link below or read someone’s long caption.
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    • The “Index Pointing Down” emoji may also be used in an expression like “We’re getting down tonight,” which means to enjoy oneself (usually on the dance floor).
    • Example Text: “You should check out this video πŸ‘‡”

[Edit]🫡 (Index Pointing at the Viewer) Emoji

  1. The 🫡 emoji emphasizes the word “YOU.” This slightly-aggressive emoji is sent when you really want to underline the other person’s role in the context of your conversation.
    • For example, you might be telling your roommate that it’s their turn to clean the bathroom, or you may be telling your bestie that they’re the greatest of all time.
    • Example Text: “I’m cool, but THE coolest?? That’s you 🫡”

[Edit]πŸ–• (Middle Finger) Emoji

  1. The πŸ–• has the same meaning as the real-life hand gesture. Basically, it’s a rude, vulgar way to show anger, rage, or rebellion. However, friends and other close individuals may use the “Middle Finger” emoji in a joking or playful way.
    • Example Text: “Do you want to hang out later?” “Lol, noπŸ–•”

[Edit]πŸ‘ (Thumbs Up) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘ emoji signals approval. Many texters use it as a substitute for typing out “yes” or “sounds good.” However, while the “Thumbs Up” emoji usually expresses agreement or contentment, some people may use it sarcastically to mean that they actually dislike whatever’s being discussed.
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    • Example Text: “I’m so down for an iced coffee later πŸ‘”

[Edit]πŸ‘Ž (Thumbs Down) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘Ž emoji indicates disapproval. It’s almost never used sarcastically, so you can pretty much assume whoever’s using it is giving you a very firm no. For example, if you text your partner that you’re serving up collard greens for dinner, they may hit you with the “Thumbs Down” reaction emoji.
    • Example Text: “Mom told me that we’re on dish-cleaning duty tonight πŸ‘Ž”

[Edit]✊ (Raised Fist) Emoji

  1. The ✊ is a sign of solidarity and resistance. While the “Raised Fist” emoji could also be interpreted as a celebratory gesture (i.e., a fist pump), it’s most closely associated with a show of empowerment, civil disobedience, and support for historically marginalized groups.[11]
    • Especially when used with the emoji’s darker skin tone variants, the ✊ is used to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement.
    • However, white allies of this social movement typically use all skin tone versions together so as to avoid appropriation: ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻
    • Example Text: “We won’t be silenced ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻”

[Edit]πŸ‘Š (Oncoming Fist) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘Š is often used to represent a fist bump. You may text it to someone in the same sort of situation as you would give them a fist bump, handshake, or high five in real life. It can be a symbol of respect, approval, or excitement.[12]
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    • However, the “Oncoming Fist” emoji can also represent wanting to punch someone, but we prefer the first meaning.
    • Example Text: “Love you bro πŸ‘Š”

[Edit]🀜 πŸ€› (Left/Right-Facing Fist) Emoji

  1. The 🀜 πŸ€› emojis represent a fist-bump. When used together, the “Left-Facing Fist” and “Right-Facing Fist” emojis can convey a fist bump over text, which is a gesture used to express congratulations or friendship, like a handshake or high five.
    • Example Text: “So glad we’re in this together 🀜 πŸ€›”

[Edit]πŸ‘ (Clapping Hands) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘ emoji is the texting version of applause. You may be sending the “Clapping Hands” emoji to congratulate someone on a recent achievement.
    • Occasionally, texters may use this applause emoji to sarcastically imply that someone doesn’t really deserve a congratulations.
    • Example Text: “Heard you made it to the chess finals! Nice going! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘”

[Edit]πŸ™Œ (Raising Hands) Emoji

  1. The πŸ™Œ emoji signifies a celebration. While some people have misread this emoji as a “praise” or “prayer,” this isn’t the intent or dominant use. Rather, the “Raising Hands” or “Hands Up” emoji is used to express pride, excitement, or victory! Gimme 10![13]
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    • Example Text: “Can’t wait to get lit tonight! πŸ™Œ”

[Edit]🀲 (Palms Up Together) Emoji

  1. The 🀲 emoji commonly represents praying or begging. The two hands are cupped together to indicate that someone is asking for something to be deposited in their hands, whether figuratively or literally.[14]
    • The “Palms Up Together” could also be interpreted as the prayer gesture used by followers of Islam or as the American Sign Language sign for an open book.
    • Example Text: “Please let the Steelers make it to the Super Bowl this year 🀲”

[Edit]πŸ‘ (Open Hands) Emoji

  1. The πŸ‘ emoji represents openness. It’s often used to represent a hug, similar to the “Hugging Face” emoji (πŸ€—).[15] Other texters may use the “Open Hands” emoji as a celebratory display of jazz hands, an excited gesture typically used in the musical theater crowd.
    • This emoji is also associated with the hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan, as it resembles the “W” hand sign used by members and their fans.
    • Example Text: “I wish I could hug you right now πŸ‘”

[Edit]πŸ™ (Folded Hands) Emoji

  1. The πŸ™ emoji is said to symbolize “please” or “thank you.” This meaning comes from the use of the gesture in Japanese culture. However, most people use it as a “prayer” or “praise hands” emoji. Less frequently, it may be referred to as a “high five” emoji.
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    • Texters most often use the “Folded Hands” emoji to show they’re really hoping for something.
    • The πŸ™ emoji is often confused with the πŸ™Œ emoji because both can be used to express prayer.
    • Example Text: “I really need to ace this math test tomorrow πŸ™”

[Edit]🀝 (Handshake) Emoji

  1. The 🀝 emoji’s official use is to indicate a polite greeting. However, it’s more commonly used to show you’ve made a deal or found a trusted partner. While the “Handshake Emoji” may be used in business settings, it can also be used in a jokey, faux-formal way among friends when they’ve decided on a plan or made an agreement.[16]
    • Example Text: “Pleasure doing business with you 🀝”

[Edit]🀌 (Pinched Fingers) Emoji

  1. The 🀌 emoji is more commonly referred to as the “Italian emoji.” Officially called the “Pinched Fingers” emoji, this image resembles the Italian hand gesture called ma che vuoi or the “finger purse.” Italians may use this gesture to express disagreement, frustration, disbelief, or as a substitute for saying “What do you want?”
    • In other contexts, this gesture could be used to say something is excellent or tasty, as in “chef’s kiss.”
    • Outside of Italy, other cultures use this gesture for other meanings. In Israeli culture, for example, it can mean “hold on,” “relax,” or “be patient.”
    • Example Text: “The cacio e pepe at that place is chef’s kiss 🀌”

[Edit]✍️ (Writing Hand) Emoji

  1. The ✍️ emoji can represent writing in any context. It may be used to say “take notes,” whether in a joking or serious way. It could also be used in between words to teasingly say that someone is taking notes from what the other person is saying.
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    • Example Text: “Don’t✍️do✍️anything✍️you✍️wouldn’t✍️do✍️. Got it.”

[Edit]πŸ’… (Nail Polish) Emoji

  1. The πŸ’… emoji is used to express a nonchalant attitude. Use this emoji to say something was no biggie and that you stay unbothered! Of course, some people may use this emoji for its literal meaning, i.e., they’ve gone to get their nails done.
    • Example Text: “What, like it’s hard? πŸ’…”

[Edit]πŸ’ͺ (Flexed Bicep) Emoji

  1. The πŸ’ͺ emoji is used in conversations about strength or exercise. The user may add it to a text that says they’re hitting the gym later. Alternatively, someone could use it when bragging about some skill or achievement, like adding a literal flex to their text.
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    • Example Text: “Looking forward to arm day tomorrow πŸ’ͺ”



  • When using hand emojis, choose whichever skin tone you feel best reflects your racial and ethnic identity. Most texters use the color that most closely matches their IRL skin color.[17]


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