Thursday, August 22, 2024

How to Manifest Love with a Specific Person

Can you manifest your soulmate? Manifestation is a way to use the Law of Attraction to draw what you want to you. You’re already manifesting what you get in life whether you know it or not, so why not go after what you want? By changing how you word what you say, you can lift your energy vibration and create a shift in your life to attract things, including love.[1] We’re here to help you get your perfect partner with the ultimate guide to manifesting love with a specific person.

This article is based on an interview with our spiritualist and seer, Jennifer McVey, Cht.

[Edit]Manifesting Love

Write out exactly what you want in an ideal partner and why their qualities would make you a great couple. Then, create an intention that you can repeat daily. Use visualization to imagine what a relationship would look like—the more vivid, the better.


[Edit]Write down the person’s name and list their traits.

  1. Define exactly what you want. Explain what you like about your ideal partner and why you think you’d be a great couple. Add lots of details because it helps the Law of Attraction work.[2] Read over your list a few times to make sure you’re sending the right message to the universe.
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    • Is it okay to manifest a specific person? Some people think it’s a bad idea to go after someone specific because you don’t really know what they’ll be like in a relationship. Sometimes you get the person you want only to find out that they’re toxic or just not the right match for you.
    • How can you tell if someone is right for you? Instead of writing their name, write down the traits that you like about them. If the person you like is a good match for you, you’ll be manifesting them because they match your list. At the same time, you’ll draw another much better person to you if this person isn’t the right one for you.[3]

[Edit]Be clear and specific to set an intention.

  1. An intention helps you focus your energy on what you want. Summarize what you want into a clear, concise sentence or two that you can easily repeat. Write your intention daily to give it more power, or simply repeat it out loud. You might even sleep with your intention under your pillow to help give it more energy. Write something like:
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    • “Luz and I are in love. She’s my soulmate.”
    • “Liam and I are perfectly happy together.”
    • “Ash and I are partners, and we spend most days together.”

[Edit]Word your intention positively.

  1. Negative language can accidentally attract the wrong thing. Saying things like “I don’t want” or “no” can send the wrong signals. Always focus on what you do want, not on what you’re trying to avoid. Here are some examples on how to do that:
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    • Say, “I want a partner who’s honest” not “No liars.”
    • Write, “Puts effort into our relationship” instead of “Not lazy”
    • Say, “Responds to my texts quickly” rather than “Doesn’t take forever to text back.”

[Edit]Connect your intention to an emotion.

  1. Emotions raise the vibration of your intention. Higher vibrations create positive outcomes, helping you get what you want.[4] Really imagine how you’ll feel once you’re with your soulmate. Let those feelings wash over you to give your manifestation power. You might feel:
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    • Happy
    • Giddy
    • Excited
    • Loved
    • Euphoric
    • Content

[Edit]Visualize yourself in a relationship with your crush.

  1. Visualization is a powerful way to manifest what you want. Start by sitting in a calm environment and closing your eyes. Breathe deeply to relax yourself, then imagine what it will be like when you and the person you like are together. What will you do together? How will it feel to be with them? Picture the two of you hanging out, going on dates, and talking to each other.[5]
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    • The more vivid your vision, the better. Details really help your manifestation be stronger.
    • You could also try creating a vision board for your perfect relationship. This can be a big help if you have trouble picturing things in your mind.

[Edit]Describe your ideal relationship in a script manifest.

  1. Hand write your script to give it more power. Date your entry, then describe your future relationship with your ideal partner as if you’re writing in a journal. Use the present tense, like your dream has already happened to give your manifestation more energy. Include a lot of sensory details because the more specific your manifestation, the more likely it is to happen.[6] You could write:
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    • “Micah and I talk everyday and go on the most romantic dates. Tonight we’re going to snuggle up and watch a movie. He knows me better than anyone and I’m so happy we’re together.”
    • “Bree and I have the perfect relationship. Today she surprised me with cookies she baked. She’s just so thoughtful! We have so much fun together, and I can’t wait for our next date. We’re going bowling this weekend.”
    • “Ling is the partner I’ve always wanted. Every date with them is special, and they make me so happy. We’re going to a concert tomorrow, and then we’ll hang out at my house. They are so funny and smart.”

[Edit]Act like you already have the love you want.

  1. Manifestation works better if you act like you already have what you desire. Pretend like you’re in love and have a wonderful relationship. This doesn’t mean you should walk up to the person you like and grab their hand or try to kiss them. Instead, try this:
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    • Have fun with your friends and keep working on your goals.
    • Smile and talk to your ideal partner whenever you see them.
    • Like and comment on their social media.
    • Stop talking about being single or flirting with other people. Instead, only flirt with the person you like.
    • If you have this person’s phone number, send them a friendly text.

[Edit]Confront your limiting beliefs with affirmations.

  1. Positive affirmations remind you that you’re worthy of what you want. In fact, they can actually change the way you think. They also help you take positive actions toward the future you want, so there’s a lot of value in using them.[7] Make a list of positive affirmations that feel right to you. When you start to feel doubt, repeat a positive affirmation to feel better. Try:
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    • “I am worthy of love.”
    • “I create my destiny.”
    • “I deserve to be happy.”
    • “I’m an attractive, lovable person.”
    • “I’m enough.”

[Edit]Love yourself.

  1. Self love sends the message to the universe that you deserve love. Like attracts like, so truly loving yourself will raise your vibration to the level that you can attract someone who can love you back. Learn to love yourself by focusing on your positive traits and doing things that make you happy.[8] Your inner confidence will help your soulmate see how amazing you are.
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    • Treat yourself like your best friend. If you wouldn’t say something to them, don’t say it to yourself.
    • Repeating your positive affirmations will also help you love yourself.

[Edit]Start working toward your manifestation.

  1. You have to take action to get what you want. Manifestation isn’t like a spell—it doesn’t work unless you do.[9] When you’re manifesting love, this means flirting, looking your best, and interacting with the person you like. Additionally, turn down dates from anyone who’s not your ideal partner. Keep your eyes on your goal.
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    • You might say “yes” to someone who has all the same traits as your crush. It’s possible the universe is putting this person in your path because they’ll make you happier than the person you’re manifesting love with.

[Edit]Practice gratitude to draw positivity to you.

  1. Gratitude raises your energy vibrations so you attract positive things. Create a gratitude practice to help you focus on the blessings in your life.[10] Try keeping a gratitude list to help you remember all you have to be thankful for, and add 2-3 things to your list every day. Include things like:
    Manifest Love with a Specific Person Step 11.jpg
    • A comfy home.
    • Great friends.
    • A loving family.
    • Good weather today.
    • Delicious meals.
    • My pets.
    • Books to read.
    • Chocolate.

[Edit]Trust the universe to bring love into your life.

  1. Believe you’ll get what you want so your manifestation has power. Additionally, let go of your ideal outcome because sometimes the universe has more in store for you than you could ever imagine. Have faith that everything is going to work out in the best way possible.[11]
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    • If your manifestations aren’t working, it’s possible you don’t totally believe in the process. At the same time, you might just be meant for greater things, so the universe isn’t bringing the person you want into your life. Sometimes it’s hard to see the wonderful plans the universe has for you.



  • Revisit your manifestations to make sure they’re still right for you. If you start falling for someone new, you might decide to manifest love with them instead.


  • Be careful when you’re drawing specific people into your life because they could turn out to be toxic. Make sure you really know the person first. They can also not show a true side to them or just not be who they say they are or not the correct person for you don’t ignore red flags[12]


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