Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How to Favorite Questions

Get to know someone better with these fun & interesting "what's your favorite" questions

Asking someone about their favorite things is a great way to connect with them. In fact, research shows that engaging in reciprocal self-disclosure (revealing personal information about yourself and hearing personal information about someone else), dramatically increases closeness.[1] If you’re looking for some great “what’s your favorite” questions to get to know someone better, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a complete list of “favorites” questions about all kinds of topics, including personal identity, arts and entertainment, food, travel, and more. Keep reading to get inspired!


[Edit]Personal Identity Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} These basic “what’s your favorite questions” are perfect for connecting with someone you’ve just met. According to research, reciprocal self-disclosure (revealing personal information about yourself and hearing personal information from someone else) increases feelings of closeness to an intense degree.[2] This is true on a date, at a social gathering, in the workplace, in the classroom, and beyond! Here are some questions to get you started:
    Favorite Questions Step 1.jpg
    • What’s your favorite hobby?
    • What’s your favorite color?
    • What is your favorite animal?
    • Which is your favorite type of pet, dogs or cats?
    • What’s your favorite Friday night activity?
    • What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?
    • What’s your favorite day of the week?
    • What’s your favorite time of day?
    • Which is your favorite, sunrises or sunsets?
    • What’s your favorite month of the year?
    • What’s your favorite season?
    • What’s your favorite type of weather?
    • What’s your favorite holiday?
    • What’s your favorite place?
    • What’s your favorite room in your living space?
    • What’s your favorite scent?
    • What is your favorite type of car?
    • What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
    • What is your favorite event to watch in the Olympics?
    • What is your favorite sports team?
    • Who is your favorite athlete?
    • What is your favorite board game to play?
    • What is your favorite video game to play?
    • What’s your favorite photograph?
    • Who is your favorite person in the world?
    • Who is your favorite person to go out on the town with?
    • Who is your favorite person to confide in when you’re sad?
    • What is your favorite quality to find in a person?
    • What is your favorite quality about yourself?

[Edit]Memories & Personal History Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} It’s no secret that people like to talk about themselves. But did you know there’s a reason it feels so good to share a fond memory from your past? According to research, self-disclosure (talking about yourself) actually activates the areas of your brain that are associated with enjoyable feelings and reward.[3] So, if you’re trying to grow closer to someone, consider asking these questions about their personal history to get the positive feelings flowing.
    Favorite Questions Step 2.jpg
    • What’s your favorite childhood memory?
    • What’s your favorite holiday tradition you did with your family?
    • What was your favorite thing about the house you grew up in?
    • What was your favorite toy or stuffed animal as a child?
    • What was your favorite sport to play as a child?
    • What is your favorite memory from a family vacation?
    • What is your favorite experience you shared with your sibling(s)?
    • What’s your favorite memory of your mother?
    • What’s your favorite memory of your father?
    • What’s your favorite memory of your grandparents?
    • What’s your favorite memory of your family pet?
    • Who was your favorite childhood friend?
    • Who was your favorite friend from high school?
    • What was your favorite thing about going to school when you were little?
    • What’s your favorite memory from high school?
    • What’s your favorite memory from college?
    • What was your favorite extracurricular activity you participated in at school?
    • Which of your birthdays has been your favorite so far?
    • Out of all the birthday gifts you’ve received in your life, which is your favorite?
    • Out of all the birthday cakes you’ve ever had, which is your favorite?
    • What is your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?
    • What is your favorite Christmas present you’ve received?
    • What is your favorite New Year’s Eve memory?
    • What has been your favorite decade of your life so far?

[Edit]Arts & Entertainment Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} Many people view their taste in art as an integral part of their identity.[4] Their favorite songs, shows, and films tend to have deep significance and meaning, and they light up with enthusiasm when they talk about these things. So, if you're trying to connect with someone on a deeper level, try asking about their favorite works of art and types of entertainment. Here are some questions to get you started!
    Favorite Questions Step 3.jpg
    • What is your favorite piece of visual art?
    • What is your favorite type of visual art (photography, painting, sculpture, etc)?
    • What’s your favorite memory of going to a museum?
    • What’s your all-time favorite album?
    • Who is your favorite music artist?
    • What is your favorite genre of music?
    • What’s your favorite song?
    • What’s your favorite song lyric?
    • What is your favorite nostalgic song from when you were growing up?
    • What was your favorite song when you were in high school?
    • What’s your favorite love song?
    • What’s your favorite break-up song?
    • What’s your favorite song to dance to?
    • What’s your favorite karaoke song?
    • What’s your favorite guilty pleasure song?
    • What’s your favorite song that was released in the past year?
    • What’s your favorite movie of all time?
    • What’s your favorite scene from a movie?
    • What is your favorite line from a movie?
    • Who is your favorite actor?
    • Who is your favorite director?
    • What has been your favorite movie theater experience?
    • What is your favorite genre of movies?
    • What’s your favorite comedy movie?
    • What’s your favorite drama movie?
    • What’s your favorite animated movie?
    • What was your favorite movie as a child?
    • What’s your favorite TV show?
    • What’s your favorite TV show to put on when you’re sad?
    • What’s your favorite TV show to watch with friends or your significant other?
    • What is your favorite play or musical?
    • What is your favorite showtune?

[Edit]Books & Literature Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} People love talking about their favorite pieces of literature for the same reasons they love talking about their favorite movies and music. We tend to view these things as important parts of our identities and personalities, and sharing them brings us closer together.[5] And, for people who are avid readers, there’s nothing more enjoyable than discussing a great book with someone! Try asking these questions to get a great conversation flowing.
    Favorite Questions Step 4.jpg
    • What is your favorite novel of all time?
    • What is your favorite non-fiction book?
    • Who is your favorite author?
    • Who is your favorite fictional character from a novel?
    • What is your favorite literary trope?
    • What is your favorite quote from a book?
    • What is your favorite genre of books?
    • What is your favorite fantasy book series?
    • What is your favorite fictional world from a book that you would like to visit?
    • What is your favorite book/movie adaptation combo?
    • What is your favorite scary book?
    • Who is your favorite literary villain?
    • Who is your favorite couple from a book?
    • What is your favorite guilty pleasure book?
    • What is your favorite book cover?
    • What was your favorite book as a child?
    • What is your favorite place to buy books?
    • Where is your favorite place to read?
    • Which is your favorite, hardback or paperback books?
    • What is your favorite way to read, physical books, e-books, or audiobooks?
    • What is your favorite kind of e-reader (Kindle, Nook, etc)?
    • What is your favorite way to display your books in your home?
    • What is your favorite poem?
    • Who is your favorite poet?
    • What is your favorite line of poetry?

[Edit]Fashion & Style Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} Personal style is also an important part of identity. Asking about someone’s fashion preferences is a wonderful conversation starter, and it’s a unique way to get to know them better. Here are some examples of questions to ask:
    Favorite Questions Step 5.jpg
    • Which is your favorite, cold weather fashion or warm weather fashion?
    • Who is your favorite fashion icon?
    • What is your favorite clothing brand?
    • Who is your favorite fashion designer?
    • Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?
    • What is your favorite shoe you own?
    • What is your favorite aesthetic to dress in?
    • What is your favorite accessory?
    • What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
    • What is your favorite material to wear?
    • What is your favorite pattern to wear?
    • What is your favorite color to wear?
    • What is your favorite place to get fashion inspiration?
    • What is your favorite piece of fashion advice?
    • What is your favorite fashion trend at the moment?
    • Which is your favorite way to shop, in person or online?
    • What is your favorite thrift store purchase?
    • What is your favorite type of clothing or accessory to receive as a gift?
    • What is your favorite hairstyle?
    • What is your favorite skincare product?
    • What is your favorite perfume to wear?

[Edit]Food & Drinks Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} Food is an important part of human connection. Whether it’s a first date, Sunday dinner with the family, or extravagant spread at a holiday party, people naturally bond and converse over a shared meal. Food also plays an important role in memory—close your eyes and think about your mom’s signature dish or your grandmother’s delicious baked goods, and you’ll be flooded with warm, fuzzy feelings.[6] Ask about someone’s favorite foods to connect and start an interesting conversation.
    Favorite Questions Step 6.jpg
    • What is your favorite food?
    • What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
    • What’s your favorite comfort meal?
    • What was your favorite meal as a kid?
    • Which is your favorite, breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
    • What’s your favorite restaurant?
    • What’s your favorite dish from a restaurant?
    • What’s your favorite place to get takeout from?
    • What is your favorite appetizer?
    • What’s your favorite type of dessert?
    • What is your favorite pizza topping?
    • What’s your favorite way to eat a bagel?
    • What’s your favorite breakfast food?
    • What’s your favorite type of sandwich?
    • What’s your favorite type of soup?
    • What’s your favorite late night snack?
    • What’s your favorite dipping sauce?
    • What’s your favorite salad dressing?
    • What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
    • What is your favorite nostalgic meal from childhood?
    • What’s your favorite (and least favorite) vegetable?
    • What’s your favorite cocktail?
    • What’s your favorite soda?
    • Which is your favorite, coffee or tea?
    • What’s your favorite coffee shop?

[Edit]Travel & Vacation Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} When people look back on their life experiences, amazing trips and vacations often stand out in their memories. Asking about these meaningful travel experiences is a great way to get to know someone better. Plus, you may even get some awesome recommendations for your next vacation!
    Favorite Questions Step 7.jpg
    • Where’s your favorite place to go on vacation?
    • What is your favorite country you’ve traveled to?
    • What is your favorite city in the world?
    • What’s your favorite childhood memory from a family vacation?
    • What is your favorite travel experience you’ve ever had?
    • What is your favorite activity to do when you travel?
    • Which is your favorite, a warm, tropical vacation, or a cold, snowy vacation?
    • What is your favorite way to meet people on vacation?
    • Which is your favorite when you’re on vacation, staying in and relaxing, or going on lots of excursions?
    • What is your favorite historical monument that you’ve visited?
    • What is your favorite view you’ve ever seen on vacation?
    • What is your favorite food that you tried on vacation?
    • What is your favorite (and least favorite) airport?
    • What is your favorite memory from a road trip?
    • Which is your favorite, traveling alone or traveling in a group?
    • Who is your favorite travel buddy?
    • What is your favorite hotel?
    • Which is your favorite, staying in a hotel, or renting an Airbnb?
    • What is your favorite amusement park to visit?
    • What is your favorite amusement park ride?
    • What is your favorite travel hack?

[Edit]Work & Career Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} These questions are great for breaking the ice in the workplace or making a good impression at networking events. In fact, research shows that people who ask more questions are more likely to leave a lasting positive impression on others.[7]
    Favorite Questions Step 8.jpg
    • Out of all the jobs you’ve had, which was your favorite?
    • Who is your favorite boss you’ve ever had?
    • Who is your favorite coworker you’ve ever had?
    • What is your favorite thing about your current job?
    • What is your favorite field to work in?
    • What is your favorite thing about working with your team?
    • What is your favorite way to recharge after a long work day?
    • What is your favorite career accomplishment you’ve achieved so far?
    • What’s your favorite kind of project to work on?
    • Which is your favorite, in-person work or remote work?
    • What’s your favorite thing about working from home?
    • What’s your favorite thing about going in to the office?
    • What is your favorite thing you’ve learned from a job?

[Edit]School & Academics Favorites Questions

  1. {endbold} If you’re a teacher who wants to encourage deeper connections and camaraderie in the classroom, have your students ask each other questions that encourage self-disclosure. According to research, these types of questions increase feelings of closeness, and they can help students bond and feel more socially integrated at school.[8] The questions can be about anything—from art to food to hobbies—but academic interests are a good place to start if students are shy about getting more personal.
    Favorite Questions Step 9.jpg
    • What is your favorite subject in school?
    • Who is your favorite teacher?
    • What is your favorite book you’ve had to read for school?
    • What is your favorite place to study?
    • What is your favorite snack to have while studying?
    • Which is your favorite, in-person classes or virtual classes?
    • What is your favorite extracurricular activity?
    • What is your favorite part of the school day?
    • What is your favorite way to do school work, independently or with a group?
    • What has been your favorite lesson from class so far this year?

[Edit]Going Beyond “What’s Your Favorite” Questions

  1. To really deepen your connection, ask follow-up questions. Research shows that asking thoughtful follow-ups increases your likability. This is because follow-up questions show that you were actively listening to the person, and that you're genuinely interested in what they have to say.[9] So, don’t ask someone what their favorite thing is and leave it at that. Ask some meaningful follow-ups to get the conversation flowing! Here are examples:
    Favorite Questions Step 10.jpg
    • If you ask someone what their favorite travel destination is, and they say Italy, follow up with:
      • “Wow, that sounds amazing! What do you like the most about traveling there? Is it the food? Or maybe all the rich history and art?”
    • If you ask someone what their favorite childhood memory is, and they say going to see the ballet with their parents, follow up with:
      • “That sounds so incredible! Did you have a favorite ballet that you got to see? Or a favorite dancer?”
    • If you ask someone what their favorite genre of movies is, and they say comedy, follow up with:
      • “I love comedies too! Have you seen any good ones recently? I’d love some recommendations, if you have any!”
    • If you ask someone about their favorite subject in school, and they say math, follow up with:
      • “That’s so cool! What do you like so much about it? Do you have a favorite type of math to do, like algebra, geometry, or calculus?”


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