Saturday, October 26, 2024

How to Scary Games to Play with Friends

Creepy games for sleepovers, Halloween parties, or just for spooks

If you’ve ever had a sleepover, odds are you and your friends played at least one scary game, like Bloody Mary or Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. The classics are always fun, but there are a ton of exciting, spooky games you might not have heard of! In this article, we’ve gathered all the best scary games to play with friends, including classic mirror games, ritual and chanting games, and even scary video games and apps.


[Edit]Scary Mirror Games

  1. Bloody Mary{endbold} Bloody Mary is a timeless game that has been played for generations. To play Bloody Mary, gather your friends in a room with a mirror. Turn off all the lights and chant “Bloody Mary” 3 times. Bloody Mary’s face is then supposed to appear in the mirror. If you see her, quickly turn the lights back on to get her to go away.[1]
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    • For an even scarier game, take turns being alone in the room to summon the spirit.
    • If Bloody Mary doesn’t appear, try spinning in a circle 3 times.
  2. Candyman{endbold} Go into a room with a mirror and turn off all the lights. Stand in front of the mirror and chant “Candyman” 5 times to summon the spirit. Then, turn on the lights as quickly as possible so the Candyman doesn’t get you.[2]
  3. Three Kings{endbold} At 3:30 a.m. in a dark room, place 2 mirrors in chairs facing each other and sit in a third chair (the King’s Throne) between them. Hold and light a candle, then without looking at the flame, ask questions into the darkness. You should hear your answer from one of the mirrors—just don’t look directly at it![3]
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    • Make sure you begin asking questions at exactly 3:30 a.m. Set an alarm on your phone if you need to.
    • The two mirrors represent the other two kings, or spirits, who will answer your questions. Take the answers with a grain of salt, however, as the spirits could be playing a trick on you.
  4. Queen of Spades/Lady Spades{endbold} In a darkened bathroom, place a Queen of Spades card against the mirror and draw a set of stairs with red lipstick. Light a candle, then close your eyes and chant “Queen of Spades, come” 3 times. Open your eyes and see if the spirit has appeared. If she hasn’t, be sure to tell her to leave so she doesn’t come around when you’re least expecting it.[4]
  5. Devil Face{endbold} Stand in front of a mirror in a dark bathroom, just before midnight. Close your eyes, and when the clock strikes midnight, open them. You should see a devil’s face staring back at you from the mirror.[5]
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    • Some versions of this game can only be played successfully on the evening of December 24th, as the clock changes to December 25th at midnight.
  6. Baby Blue{endbold} This game is best played alone, so take turns with your friends. Go into a dark room with a mirror and stand before it. Cradle your arms like you’re holding a baby, then chant “Baby blue, blue baby” 13 times. You should then feel the sensation of holding a baby in your arms.[6]

[Edit]Scary Ritual and Chanting Games

  1. Concentrate{endbold} Concentrate is a divination game that is supposed to predict how one player will die. One person will sit in front of another with their eyes closed. The person sitting behind will lightly hit the other person’s back while reciting the “Concentrate” poem. The person with their eyes closed should see a color at some point throughout the game, and that color will reveal how they’re supposed to die.[7]
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    • Red: stabbed
    • Blue: drowned
    • Yellow: poisoned
    • Orange: burned
    • Green: falling from a great height
    • Purple: suffocation
    • Brown: buried alive
    • Gray: disease
    • Black: of old age and goes to Hell
    • White: of old age and goes to Heaven
  2. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board{endbold} To play Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, one player will lie flat on the floor with their arms crossed over their chest. Everyone else will place their hands under the person lying down and attempt to lift them with only their fingertips while chanting “Light as a feather, stiff as a board.”[8]
  3. Dead Man, Dead Man, Take Me to Your Grave{endbold} One person will close their eyes and remain silent throughout the game. The other person will instruct them to move their arms back and forth, slowly reducing the repetitions. The speaker will then chant “Dead man, dead man, take me to your grave,” until the other player’s arms rise on their own.[9]
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  4. The Telephone Ritual{endbold} Go into a dark, abandoned house and enter the bathroom. Sprinkle salt across the threshold outside the door, lock it, and shine your flashlight at the toilet. From your cell phone, dial the house’s landline number. Wait to see if a ghost answers your call.[10]
    • Remember, entering an abandoned building can be dangerous and, in many cases, illegal. If you happen to know someone who owns an abandoned house, ask their permission first and play at your own risk.
  5. Elevator Game{endbold} If you happen to be in a building with at least 10 floors, ride the elevator to explore other dimensions. Ride the elevator up to the 4th floor, down to the 2nd, up to the 6th, back down to the 2nd, up to the 10th, and down to the 5th. According to legend, you’ll have some supernatural experiences during the ride.[11]
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  6. Tsuji-Ura{endbold} This game must be played outside, so make sure you have parental permission. Stand at the center of a crossroads after dark. Run your fingers over the teeth of a comb while chanting “Tsuji-ura, tsuji-ura, grant me a true response.” Cover your face with some kind of face covering and wait. If a stranger approaches, ask them to tell you your fortune.[12]
    • Remember, this is just a game. If you think you might actually see a stranger, have a parent monitor the game so you don’t end up in a dangerous situation.

[Edit]Scary Games to Play in the Dark

  1. Binoculars Game{endbold} At sunset, lock all doors and windows and place a lit flashlight on each windowsill. Tie a rope to a chair or another heavy object and place it near a door. Then, tie the other end of the rope around one of the players, who must remain silent. At exactly 10:30 p.m., slip a note under the door that reads “We welcome you. You shall not be harmed.” Take your flashlights and begin walking around the house. If you hear knocking, the ritual has worked. Continue the game as follows:[13]
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    • Once you hear knocking, grab your binoculars and look out all the windows. If you see a figure in the distance, you’ve found “him,” the spirit you’ve summoned.
    • When you see the figure, shout, “Forgive me, for I am mistaken” as loudly as possible. Close your eyes and reopen them immediately. If the figure is gone, you found him in time and the game is now over. Untie your friend, unlock the doors and windows, and destroy the piece of paper as soon as possible.
    • If you do still see the figure, do not untie your partner or unlock the doors and windows. Wait until the figure leaves.
    • If you don’t hear the knocking or see a figure, restart the game and try again.
  2. Manhunt{endbold} Manhunt is a great suspenseful game to play if you don’t want to play anything involving spirits or rituals. It combines tag and hide and seek, as a small group will hide in the dark while everyone else tries to find them. Playing in the dark gives the game an eerie vibe, and you don’t have to worry about anything too scary happening.[14]
  3. Dry Bones{endbold} Just after midnight, light a match or a candle in a dark bathroom. Close your eyes and make a wish. If you hear moaning, Dry Bones the demon has come to play. Your goal is to find a hiding spot and evade Dry Bones until 3:00 a.m. If you successfully avoid him, your wish will come true. If you don’t he’ll take your soul.[15]

[Edit]Scary Ghost and Spirit Games

  1. Ouija Board{endbold} Playing with a Ouija board is one of the most common spooky sleepover activities and supposedly allows players to communicate with spirits. Players place their hands on the planchette, ask a question, and the spirit they’re communicating with is supposed to move the planchette on its own and spell out its answer using the letters on the board. Some believe the Ouija board truly allows you to communicate with spirits, while others see it as nothing more than a party trick.[16]
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    • When the spirit stops answering or you’re done asking questions, always say “Goodbye” to end the session and send the spirit back to where it came from.
  2. Ma Lon{endbold} Ma Lon is a Vietnamese game that supposedly summons a spirit to chase you. Light incense (or a cigarette if you’re of age) and place it near an empty can. If the smoke moves like someone is taking a drag of a cigarette, it’s a sign you’ve successfully summoned the spirit. Start running as fast as you can in a straight line to outrun the spirit.[17]
    • For this game, you must run in a straight line. If you turn, the spirit will return from where it came.
    • If you feel something on your ankles as you run, the spirit is trying to grab you.
    • This game is best played in a deserted area late at night, so make sure you have parental permission if you’re a minor.
  3. The Bath Game/Daruma-san{endbold} In a dark bathroom, fill the bathtub with water and sit on the edge. Close your eyes and wash your hair while chanting “Daruma-san fell down, Daruma-san fell down.” You should begin to see a ghostly figure falling and dying in the bathtub. Don’t make eye contact, or she’ll get you![18]
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    • This is another game best played alone, so take turns going into the bathroom alone if you’re playing with friends.
    • Daruma-san is based on a Japanese children’s game.
  4. Charlie Charlie/Pencil Game{endbold} To play Charlie Charlie (also known as the Pencil Game), get a piece of paper and two pencils. Draw an X to divide the paper into 4 boxes and label two boxes “Yes” and two boxes “No.” Balance the pencils across the lines and say “Charlie, Charlie, are you here?” to begin the game. Ask the spirit questions, and the pencils should move to reflect your answer.[19]
  5. Midnight Man{endbold} To play Midnight Man, have everyone write their full name on paper and place it in front of a wooden door. Just before midnight, light a candle on top of the paper and knock on the door 22 times, syncing the final knock with the stroke of midnight. Blow out the candle and open the door to release the Midnight Man, then roam around your house until 3:33 a.m. dodging the Midnight Man.[20]
    • This game is supposedly based on an old Pagan punishment.
    • Light another candle after you blow the first one out. If the new candle goes out on its own, it means the Midnight Man is nearby.

[Edit]Other Scary Sleepover Games

  1. Cat Scratch{endbold} To play Cat Scratch, lie on the floor in a dark room with your head in another player’s lap. That player will then recite spooky stories about a cat while rubbing your temples. When they’ve finished the stories, stand up and see if there are claw marks on your back. Take turns to see if the ghostly cat scratches all of you.[21]
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  2. Sandman{endbold} Playing Sandman is basically the opposite of Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board; instead of lifting you up, it will weigh you down. One person will lie down while another tells a story of a murder and how their body is full of sand. When the person lying down tries to get up, it will feel as if they’re weighed down by sand.[22]
  3. Pendulum{endbold} If you’d like to try to communicate with spirits or predict your future, using a pendulum can help. Hold the pendulum by its chain so the weight hangs down, then ask a yes or no question. The way the pendulum swings will reveal your answer. Some use this in place of objects like a Ouija board to communicate with spirits, while others use it for divination.[23]
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    • Either buy a pre-made pendulum or make your own by tying a paperclip or a ring to a string or chain.
    • To help determine your answer, write “yes” on the top and bottom of a piece of paper and “no” on the left and right sides, or vice versa. Whichever way the pendulum swings will provide your answer.
  4. Ghost Stories{endbold} Sometimes, nothing’s better than a good, old-fashioned ghost story. If you and your friends want a break from all the games, sit in a circle in the dark and take turns telling your spookiest ghost stories. Hold a flashlight under your chin while you do so to cast eerie shadows on your face.[24]
  5. The Answer Man{endbold} For this game, you’ll need at least 10 players with cell phones. Stand in a circle and, at the exact same time, call the number of the person to your left. Most players will encounter a busy signal, but if the call goes through, you’ve connected with the Answer Man. Ask him any question you want, and he’ll answer. However, he’ll then ask you a question, and if you answer incorrectly, a large, gnarled hand is said to reach through the phone to grab you.[25]
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  6. Sara Sarita{endbold} This game requires 2 players. Sit on the floor across from each other and say, “Sara Sarita, may we join your game?” You’ll then each flip a coin. If both coins land on heads it’s a “yes,” if both land on tails it’s a “no,” and if they’re mixed it’s a “maybe.” If you receive a “yes,” ask Sara Sarita any question you want.[26]
    • Sara Sarita originated in Mexico and is similar to the Charlie, Charlie game.
    • To properly end the game, ask “Sara Sarita, can we leave your game?” and flip the coins again. Keep trying until both coins land on heads.

[Edit]Scary Video Games

  1. Lone Survivor{endbold} Lone Survivor is an indie horror survival game originally released in 2012. With retro 2D graphics, play as a nameless protagonist and follow directions provided by the character’s apparent hallucinations to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. A remake called Super Lone Survivor was released for Nintendo Switch in 2022.
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  2. Resident Evil{endbold} The Resident Evil series is one of the most popular horror video game franchises. The series consists of survival horror, first-person shooter, and third-person shooter games as the player attempts to survive a zombie outbreak. There are a ton of Resident Evil games to choose from, with the most recent being a remake of 2005’s Resident Evil 4.[27]
  3. Dead Space{endbold} Dead Space is a survival horror game in which you play as a starship engineer trying to survive the mutant creatures that have taken over the ship. The original Dead Space was released in 2008, with a remake created in 2023.[28]
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  4. Outlast{endbold} 2013’s Outlast is a first-person survival horror in which you play as investigative journalist Miles Upshur, who decides to investigate an abandoned psychiatric hospital deep in the mountains of Colorado. In this game, your only options are to run or hide when faced with an enemy, making it even scarier.
  5. Amnesia: The Dark Descent{endbold} In this first-person adventure game, play as a protagonist named Daniel who is exploring an eerie castle called Brennenburg while trying to escape monsters and avoid unsettling events. Solve puzzles and keep Daniel’s sanity intact as you explore.[29]
  6. Silent Hill{endbold} Silent Hill is a horror franchise that began in 1999. The series is set in a fictional American town called Silent Hill and focuses on many psychological horror elements. Play as different characters in different games as they explore the mysterious town and try to survive the strange creatures that reside there. With tons of games to choose from, this series is sure to have something scary enough for you.
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  7. Five Nights at Freddy’s{endbold} The Five Nights at Freddy’s series is a popular horror video game franchise from 2014. In this point-and-click survival game, play as a security guard trying to survive the night in a haunted arcade and pizzeria with possessed animatronics. This series is so popular that it inspired a Five Nights at Freddy’s movie starring Josh Hutcherson.[30]

[Edit]Scary Phone Games

  1. Year Walk{endbold} Year Walk is an eerie app based on an ancient Swedish tradition in which you’re supposed to see scary visions about what is to come in the next year. Explore dark woods filled with strange creatures as you solve puzzles in an attempt to foresee your future. This game is more spooky rather than downright scary, so this is a good option if you don’t want to get too scared.[31]
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  2. Forgotten Memories{endbold} In Forgotten Memories, play as protagonist Rose Hawkins as you search for a missing girl named Eden. This app is a third-person psychological survival horror game, in which the gameplay combines puzzles, exploration, action, and survival.
  3. Eyes{endbold} Eyes is a mobile horror game with multiplayer options, so you can easily play with your friends instead of taking turns. Play as a burglar who breaks into what they think is an empty house. Try to escape the ghosts and evade jumpscares as you navigate the huge, maze-like mansion.
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  4. Vanished{endbold} Vanished is a unique horror app, in that it’s audio-only. Immerse yourself in a dark world in which you must listen to the sounds surrounding you to escape from invisible monsters and dark entities.[32]
  5. Slender Rising{endbold} In Slender Rising explore different haunted places as you try to find 7 mysterious signs. Watch out for Slender Man, a mysterious white figure in a suit, and try to collect all 7 signs before he catches you. With terrifying music and sound effects, this game is sure to frighten you![33]
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