Wednesday, March 5, 2025

How to Enjoy Spring

As winter bids farewell and the days start warming and brightening, it's possible to start feeling your mood improve, as you're less weighed down by the cold and dreary days of winter. Tolstoy wrote “Spring is the time of plans and projects,”[1] and indeed it is the time to renew your goals, refresh your home, and to unearth your garden from its wintry layers. As the ever-growing days beckon you to spend more time outside, you'll easily find many ways to keep you outside of the house enjoying the fresh spring days.


[Edit]Starting Fresh

  1. Start planning. The beginning of spring is the best time to plan how you'll enjoy the rest of spring. Whether it's gardening, spring cleaning, learning something new, having a makeover, organizing renovations, or another activity suited to a season of renewal, planning for it will help you to make the most of the spring months.
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    • Spring is the ideal time to set the pace for the coming warm months, including any transitions or transformations you're hoping to make.
    • If you want to take a summer vacation, start planning for it now if you haven't already started.
  2. Spring clean. This age-old tradition of clearing away the cobwebs of winter will give your house a fresh beginning for the warmer months ahead and make the house and surrounds more inviting and enjoyable for you and your family and friends.
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    • Spring is a great time to do thorough cleaning because many of us have pent-up energy to expend after being cooped up for the winter. Spring cleaning isn't as mundane as routine cleaning because it's about making space, clearing out things, and even redesigning your home.
    • Check that you have all the cleaning supplies you'll need. Look closely at brooms, brushes, mops, and sponges to see if they're still in good condition or whether its time to replace them.
    • Have all your cleaning solutions ready. If you're making your own cleaning solutions, check out wikiHow's suggestions under Home cleaning preparations.
    • Wait for the first few warm days of spring and get started. Clear the trash and clutter, sweep down cobwebs, dust everything, and donate or dispose of anything you don't need in the house anymore.
    • Don't forget the garage, car, any out-buildings, and garden sheds.
    • Clean out your computer files and emails. No time like springtime to get rid of your digital mess too! The less cluttered your digital life, the more time you have to enjoy the days of spring.
    • For more ideas, read How to spring clean.
  3. Consider redecoration or renovation; perhaps even a move. This is a good time to sit back and assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current living space and to reach a decision about whether or not it could be improved through a change in decoration styles or additions through decorations.
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    • Redecoration doesn't have to mean the entire house. Perhaps sprucing up your bedroom or your living area will be enough of a new direction for you and/or the family this year.
    • Renovations can take time to plan and get consent for. The earlier you start thinking about them, the better
    • If you find your house is too small or big, or that it's not meeting your needs and you don't want to renovate, Spring is usually a good time to place your house on the market and to find a new one.
    • If you're not sure whether it's better to move or renovate, read How to decide whether to move or renovate to help you make the decision.
  4. Rejuvenate your energy levels. As well as spring cleaning the house, car, and garden, consider spring cleaning your health as well.
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    • Winter is a time of eating more than during the rest of the year and if you've slipped into eating habits that aren't as healthy as they could be, Spring is the time to mend your ways and to begin eating healthy, fresh foods again. Improve your nutrition intake and feel your energy levels soar again.
    • Spring is a wonderful time to make dietary changes because there are so many delicious baby or young vegetables, salad vegetables and fresh fruits available. Make the most of these foods while they're fresh, as they taste best when young and will enthuse your taste buds to want more!
    • Eat seasonally and locally. Put your body and appetite on the same seasonal schedule as your local environment -- and help out your local farmers at the same time.[2]
    • Consider detoxing your body. Some people enjoy going on fasts as part of a detox but you should always run going on a fast by your doctor first, just to be sure it's safe for you.
    • Improve your sleeping schedule. If you've been getting into poor sleeping habits over winter, spring is a good time to fix your sleep schedule to restore your energy. Read How to sleep better for more ideas.
    • Have a massage, or book yourself into a day spa for a full day of pampering.
  5. Consider getting a makeover. It could be as little as a new hairstyle or as big as a whole wardrobe change but spring is a perfect time to consider personal appearance changes.
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    • Over the winter your hair has been hidden under hats and scarves, and spring might reveal a hairstyle you're just not happy with. Talk to your hairdresser about options that will bring you up-to-date and feeling good about how you're looking again.
    • Check through your closet. Are your spring clothes in good condition and still wearable or are they looking decidedly old or perhaps even "last season" if you're very fashion-conscious? If you're ready to change your wardrobe, spring is the perfect time to do it.
    • Use a short break or a weekend to clear out the closet entirely and to only put back the things you really love wearing. Everything else can go to charity or the rag bag (or pet's bed) and then you have an excuse to do some shopping for a few new items that will blend in well with the clothes you've kept.
    • Now is an excellent time to discard outdated makeup. Makeup wasn't made to last, so throw out anything that's old, caked up, or obviously in bad condition.
    • Read the fashion magazines and websites to find out what's in season. You don't have to buy everything; just purchase a few items that will give your current clothing a spring fashion edge.
  6. Smile and take time to notice the changes around you. Listen to the birds sing and nest, look out for animals with their young, and watch the plant life around you emerge, shoot up, and finally start to blossom. The world around you is starting fresh; so can you.
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    • Every week brings subtle changes until suddenly it seems as if spring is in full bloom around you. Set yourself a goal of noticing all the little changes that get spring to this point.

[Edit]Getting Outdoors

  1. Work on your lawn and garden. The garden will need some tender loving care after winter to encourage new healthy growth.
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    • Plants differ in what they need at this time of year, so know which plants in your garden need a spring pruning or tidy-up; some may need dividing and now might be a good time to take cuttings.
    • Have a good look around the garden to see what jobs need doing and to check whether new mulch and compost layers are needed and whether there are weeds to be removed.
    • Plant flowers. The local gardening center will start to get deliveries of lovely new annuals and perennials in bloom that you can plant straight in the ground, or you can wander in and check out the available flower seeds. Sunflower seeds are a great beginner's flower if you're stuck for ideas.
    • Think about planting flowers in local community planting events -- a great way to meet others and beautify your local environment.
    • Don’t forget about your lawn. It may never be as beautiful as your flowers, but it can use some love after a harsh winter as well. Fertilize, reseed, and/or aerate to prepare it for the hot sunshine of July.
  2. Prepare the vegetable patch. Now is the time to start thinking about your summer harvest. Which vegetables grow well in your area and are great spring or summer crops? Do some reading up of gardening books or ask a green-thumbed neighbor if you need advice.
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    • If your compost has become a big sluggish, give it a good stir and start afresh.
    • If you are unable or prefer not to maintain a garden yourself, get someone to do the work for you. Just looking at a tidy and happy veggie patch will make you feel good.
    • If you don't have a garden, you might be able to join a community garden or a start a yard share. Spring is a great time to get involved in shared gardening and you'll meet lots of new friends.
  3. Enjoy animals enjoying Spring. You aren’t the only one emerging from a long wintry slumber. Signs of life abound outdoors, so soak it in.
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    • Build a birdhouse and/or birdfeeder. Bring those cardinals and blue jays in for a closer look. Or just go to the local pond and feed the ducks your stale bread. Keep an eye out for ducklings.
    • If you’d rather go to the birds than bring them to you, go birdwatching. Even a beat-up old pair of binoculars will help. Or just take a nature walk and see what you come across.
    • Take your dog on long walks. All winter, you’ve probably been walking Sparky only long enough for him to do his business. Go further, and see what he discovers. (But watch he doesn’t find a skunk!)
    • If you really want to maximize your springtime animal viewing, visit the zoo.[3] You’re still outdoors, still exercising, and you’ll see a wide variety of animals responding to Spring. You’ll probably spot some exotic baby animals.
  4. Capture the Spring scenery. Sadly, it will be Winter again before you know it, so give yourself some happy reminders of this time of year.
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    • Take your camera when you go walking. Look for signs of Spring emerging everywhere and take photos that you can use for collages, decorations, and photo projects; or, you can just share the marvels of Spring through your photos with people online.
    • Try painting or drawing "en plein air" (the French expression for 'paint outdoors'). You'll be surprised at how much brighter your colors are in the spring sunshine and how many beautiful things there are to paint or sketch nearby. When sketching birds or animals from life, don't expect them to hold a pose - be more of an Impressionist. A painting isn't a photo - capturing the right “feel” is more important than accuracy.
  5. Get active. Yes, you’re doing yardwork and taking walks, but make the most of this time of year -- not too cold, not too hot, just right for an active Goldilocks like you.
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    • Dust off the bicycle and start seeing your neighborhood again from two wheels. Gather some friends and spend the day biking. If you want to explore, bring a phone with a GPS installed in it. You can discover some secret places, and get back home on time!
    • Take the kids down to the local park or reserve with some balls, rackets, kites, and a picnic basket. Spend an hour or more letting them charge about playing games and finish up with a lunch or dinner meal on a rug.
    • Enjoy springtime sports like golf or, perhaps the most Spring-y sport, baseball. Watch them, sure, but play them too. Heck, go down to your favorite ball team’s Spring Training and really feel the warmth of the season!
    • Check out the festivals in your area. There are many festivals and other community events held during springtime, including perhaps cherry blossom or tulip festivals. Find out what's happening in your local area or even where you're prepared to travel to and enjoy the festivities on offer.
  6. Bring the outdoors indoors (and vice versa). You’ve spent the Winter looking out the window, dreaming of the chance to head back outside without having to pull on layer after layer of clothes. Get out there whenever you can, and when you can’t, bring a little of Spring into your home.
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    • Open the windows. It sounds so simple, but we’ve become so used to climate conditioning that the simple pleasure of a springtime breeze lofting up your drapes and brushing your face is often lost. Take advantage of this time of year when you can give both the furnace and the A/C a rest.
    • Bring flowers into the house. Spring flowers will bring joy into the house with their bright colors and lovely fragrances. Tulips, lilacs or peonies will be a great choice.[4] Aim to have new, fresh flowers in the house every week during Spring. Read How to arrange flowers, How to make homemade flower food for cut flowers, and How to stop cut flowers turning smelly for more ideas.
    • Do indoor tasks outside.[5] Spare the dryer and hang your laundry on the line. Wipe off that old picnic table and have dinner al fresco. Read a novel or even balance the checkbook on a blanket instead of the couch. Feel the sun on your face, smell the blooming flowers, see the world colorizing like it’s the Wizard of Oz, and hear the birds sing. Spring is here and now, and so are you.


  • Wear sunscreen if you burn easily.
  • Bringing along a friend or a family member can give you some great company if you're heading outdoors or doing an activity.
  • Wear appropriate clothing depending on the current weather. Spring remains changeable, so it's a good idea to always carry a jacket when heading outdoors, just in case the breeze picks up or it decides to rain or snow unexpectedly.
  • Look for a new job. If you're not happy where you are now, consider looking for a new job and ring in the changes with spring. After all, if you're trying to enjoy spring, work is a large part of your day.
  • Renew your New Year's resolutions. Do you remember them? Spring is a time of renewal and you're probably more likely to meet some of those resolutions now that you're able to actually get out the door to exercise and get about more than during winter! Give them another try – you could even rename them "spring resolutions" if you'd like.
  • Play games and spend time with your family or friends.


  • Don't sit around too long wondering what to do with spring; before you know it, it'll be summer and the long, lazy days aren't as inspiring for transforming yourself and your surrounds as the spring weather is!

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How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

The best hair care, nutrition, and lifestyle changes for long, luscious locks

It’s exhilarating to chop off your hair for a short new ‘do and see the results right away, but growing out your locks for a longer style can be frustratingly slow. Is there anything you can do to speed things up? With the right hair care strategy, it’s easy to grow out your hair faster and keep it thick, shiny, and healthy throughout the process. In this article, we’ll show you the best hair care, diet, and lifestyle changes to make to encourage quicker growth. Let’s dive in!

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Massage your scalp for a few minutes each day to encourage healthy hair growth.
  • Eat at least of protein per day to support cell and hair growth.
  • Eat leafy greens, beans, whole grains, and seafood to increase your iron and zinc levels, which are a must for healthy growth.
  • Condition your hair weekly with rosemary, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, or thyme essential oil diluted in a carrier oil.


[Edit]Add a daily scalp massage to your routine.

  1. Scalp massages increase blood flow to your scalp and stimulate growth. Use a scalp massager machine or massage your scalp by hand daily for about 4 minutes. Although the effects on the length of your hair are minimal, the massage definitely helps your hair grow thicker (which will keep it looking full and luscious as it grows longer).[1]
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    • In addition to helping your hair grow thicker, a massage feels relaxing and can help eliminate stress (and less stress means healthier hair!).

[Edit]Eat about of protein per day.

  1. A protein-rich diet supports the keratin your hair is made of. Since keratin is a type of protein, make your protein intake a dietary priority to promote healthy growth.[2] Eat lean, nutritious foods like eggs, Greek yogurt, chicken breast, or plant-based protein to promote shiny, long hair without adding lots of extra calories to your diet.[3]
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    • Your protein needs vary based on your weight and lifestyle. If you’re active and want to build muscle, for example, you'll need more than per day.

[Edit]Increase your iron and zinc intake.

  1. Iron and zinc support the cells and protein needed to grow your hair. Eat foods like spinach and other dark, leafy greens, beans, whole grains, and seafood to maintain sufficient mineral levels. When iron and zinc are low, you might experience graying hair, delayed growth, or even hair loss.[4]
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    • The amount of iron and zinc you need depends on your age, sex, and lifestyle. Talk to your doctor before changing your daily mineral intake.
    • If you struggle to get proper levels of vitamins and minerals from diet alone, consider adding a daily multivitamin to your wellness regimen.
    • Chances are that if you’re regularly eating a balanced diet, your iron and zinc levels are already close to where they should be.

[Edit]Make sure to get enough D, C, and B Vitamins.

  1. Vitamins are crucial for healthy hair and cell growth. Sufficient Vitamin D levels are linked to steady hair growth, and Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron (a necessity for long, healthy hair). B Vitamins, including biotin, also encourage hair growth by rejuvenating cells in your hair follicles.[5]
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    • Get more Vitamin D by spending some time in the sun each day and consuming Vitamin D-rich foods like fortified milk or fortified orange juice.
    • Get Vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes.
    • Look for biotin in eggs, cheese, mushrooms, almonds, and cauliflower. Get other B Vitamins in fish, meat, eggs, dairy, leafy greens, peas, beans, or Vitamin B-enriched foods.[6]
    • Talk to your doctor before making any changes to your daily vitamin intake.

[Edit]Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids.

  1. Omega-3s nourish your hair and support thick, healthy growth. Your body doesn’t produce this fat naturally, so try to eat 2 servings of fish per week to get enough of it.[7] Nuts and seeds (especially walnuts, almonds and flaxseeds) are also good sources of Omega-3s if you’re vegetarian or vegan.[8]
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    • If you’re a teen or older, aim to eat at least of Omega-3 fatty acids per day.[9]
    • Try taking just of flaxseed oil a day to meet your needs if you can’t find enough Omega-3s in your diet.

[Edit]Condition your hair with diluted essential oils weekly.

  1. Some people claim that essential oils make their hair thicker and denser. Choose your favorite oil out of rosemary, peppermint, lavender, tea tree, or thyme (they’re all great for hair) and dilute 2-3 drops in about of a carrier oil like grapeseed, jojoba, or even olive oil. Add the mixture to your hair like a conditioner and leave it in for 30 minutes, then rinse.[10]
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    • Put a drop of your oil of choice on the back of your wrist as a test. If an hour passes and you don’t show any irritation, the oil is safe to use in your hair.
    • Never apply undiluted essential oils to your hair. They’re very potent and could cause damage instead of encouraging growth.

[Edit]Try caffeine- or keratin-infused shampoos and conditioners.

  1. Products with keratin hydrolysates make your hair stronger. Substitute your usual shampoo and conditioner with a keratin-rich set once a week, or even every time you wash your hair if you notice positive changes. These topical products work better than keratin supplements, which are understudied and not proven to help your hair.[11]
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    • Keratin treatments at the salon are pricey, but can make your hair shiny and reduce frizz for up to 6 months.
    • Caffeine-infused shampoos can support other hair growth methods, but more research is needed to confirm if they're effective on their own.[12]

[Edit]Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase.

  1. Silk and satin prevent frizz and keep your hair hydrated. Since silk or satin cause less friction against your hair, it will frizz less and lay smoother (AKA, look longer). Both materials absorb less moisture from your hair than cotton, keeping your locks healthy and hydrated while they grow.[13]
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    • Alternatively, wrap your head in a silk scarf if you want to keep using your current pillowcases.

[Edit]Wash your hair only 2-3 times per week.

  1. Overwashing leads to brittle hair and breakage, which slows growth. If you’re concerned about your hair looking oily, use dry shampoo between washes or shampoo just your roots if you need an extra wash. Use conditioner on the ends, especially if you have long hair.[14]
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    • If you’re African American, aim to wash your hair at least twice a month.
    • Consider using a scalp treatment every few weeks to exfoliate and moisturize your scalp, too.
    • How often you wash your hair varies from person to person. Your age, ethnic background, hair length, and hair type all factor into how oily your hair looks after several days.

[Edit]Use conditioner after you shampoo.

  1. Conditioning keeps your hair healthy and strong while it grows. After you rinse out your shampoo, squeeze some excess water from your hair and then apply conditioner from the mid-length to the tips of your hair. Keep the conditioner in until the very end of your shower, then rinse with cool water.[15]
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    • Try not to condition your roots, since your hair’s natural oils are already more concentrated there.
    • If you have long hair, run a small amount of conditioner through the ends and rinse before (and after) you shampoo to keep them from drying out during the wash.

[Edit]Rinse your hair with cool water.

  1. Cold water seals cuticles and reduces the hairs you lose in the shower. After you wash your hair, turn down the temperature of your hot shower to rinse out your shampoo or conditioner. Use cool to cold water to seal your cuticles and keep hair follicles tight. This helps your hair stay securely rooted while it grows out.[16]
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    • Cool water also seals the shingle-like outer layer of your hair strands, which makes them reflect more light and look shiny.

[Edit]Blot your wet hair gently if you’re towel drying.

  1. Wet hair is stretchy and breaks easily, so pat it instead of rubbing it. Use an absorbent, hair-drying or microfiber towel to squeeze and blot excess moisture out of your hair. If your hair is long and thick, wrap it in a towel for 10 to 20 minutes to let the towel dry your hair while you go on with your day.[17]
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    • In a pinch, you can even use a cotton t-shirt to wrap your hair.

[Edit]Use hot styling tools once a week or less.

  1. Overusing hair dryers or curling irons weakens your hair over time. Let your hair air dry when you can, or use the lowest heat setting on a blow dryer. If you’re styling with a curling iron or straightener, do your best to work fast and limit the amount of time the hot parts are in contact with your hair.[18]
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    • Use sponge or velcro rollers instead of hot rollers.
    • Heat-damaged hair is more likely to break, which will slow down your growth progress.

[Edit]Wait 8-10 weeks between coloring, relaxing, or perming.

  1. Spacing out harsh treatments give your strands time to heal. Wait longer between color touch-ups, especially in winter or when the air is very dry. When you go, try to only have 1 service done per visit. For example, perm or relax your hair during one appointment, then get it colored 2 weeks later.[19]
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    • Wear a leave-in conditioner with zinc oxide or a wide-brimmed hat in the sun to protect your treated hair from the light and heat.
    • Frequent treatments like coloring and bleaching can leave your hair dry and brittle, causing it to break or grow more slowly.

[Edit]Brush your hair gently with a wide-toothed comb.

  1. Excessive or hard brushing can break or pull out hair strands. Only use a brush or comb to style your hair—there’s no need to brush before bed or for other maintenance reasons. Brush with a soft stroke and avoid pulling or tugging. Add a small amount of moisturizing conditioner to help tough tangles slide loose.[20]
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    • Begin brushing at the ends of your hair, then work your way up to the scalp.
    • Ignore advice about brushing 100 strokes a day, since this doesn’t really have an effect on your hair (and may damage it more than it helps).

[Edit]Wear low, loose ponytails.

  1. Pulling your hair back too tightly causes breakage or even hair loss. Instead of a tight pony on top of your head, opt for a lower, more relaxed look (same for buns and other casual styles). Use covered hair ties meant for styling instead of plain rubber bands, which can grip and pull your hair too harshly.[21]
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    • Change up where you make your ponytail so your hair ties aren’t making your hair brittle in one specific area.

[Edit]Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks.

  1. Trims remove split ends before they spread and break your hair.[22] Keep up regular trim appointments while you grow out your hair. It sounds counterintuitive, but this will keep any split ends from traveling up your strands and breaking off resulting in your hair growing faster.[23]
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    • Get a trim sooner if you notice split ends, tangles near the bottom of your hair, or your curl patterns change or lose shape.
    • The higher the splits travel, the bigger of a chop you need to get rid of them (which can delay your hair growth).

[Edit]Reduce your overall levels of stress.

  1. Chronic stress or anxiety can halt hair growth or even cause hair loss. Make sure to get plenty of sleep and rest, and try to incorporate exercise into your daily or weekly routine to counteract stress and protect your hair. Try calming practices like doing yoga, meditating, or doing breathing exercises to cope with stressful or triggering situations.[24]
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    • Surround yourself with positive people when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. Isolating can make things feel worse.
    • If you’re struggling to manage stress on your own, consider seeing a counselor or therapist for guidance.

[Edit]Ask your doctor about minoxidil.

  1. Minoxidil is the active ingredient found in hair regrowth products. You’ll typically apply it as a cream or foam to your scalp twice a day for several months before seeing long lasting results. It’s available without a prescription, but consult with your doctor before you try it since it can interact with other medications or have side effects.[25]
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    • Minoxidil is usually used for people experiencing balding or thinning. If you have healthy, thick hair, minoxidil is probably unnecessary.


[Edit]Reader Videos


  • If you're looking for a natural option, research shows that rosemary oil can be an effective product for hair growth.[26]


  • Restrictive eating or sudden, dramatic weight loss can stop hair growth or even cause hair loss. Make sure to meet your base caloric intake and consume sufficient vitamins and minerals every day, even if you’re altering your diet slightly to encourage faster hair growth.[27]

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[Edit]Quick Summary

  5. [v161426_b01]. 19 May 2020.
  22. [v161426_b01]. 19 May 2020.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How to Love Yourself

Find your way to self-love by taking just a few moments a day to care for and reconnect with yourself

The easiest way to love yourself is to treat yourself like your own BFF. It might seem like it's easier to love others than to love yourself, but it's tough to build healthy relationships if you don't love yourself first. Quite simply, this means you recognize your own self-worth and live your own life as honestly as you can.[1] Read on to learn some strategies you can start today so you can embark on a journey of loving yourself.

This article is based on an interview with our bestselling author, podcast host and speaker, Kamal Ravikant.

[Edit]Things You Should Know

  • Focus on the things you like about yourself rather than calling yourself names or insulting yourself. Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments and reward yourself for your effort.
  • Set healthy boundaries and only help others when you have the energy and interest in doing so. Take care of yourself first and you'll have more love to spread.
  • Repeat daily affirmations to remind yourself of your love. When faced with a setback, take 10 deep breaths and think about how much you love yourself.


[Edit]Treating Yourself with Kindness

  1. Let go of negative thought patterns and beliefs about yourself. Negative thoughts often come from outside people whose opinions we value and from whom we seek love and acceptance.[2] Drill down to the core of those negative thoughts and tell yourself a different story. Think about what you would say to a close friend who said those things about themselves.[3]
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    • For example, if you forgot to buy trash bags when you got groceries, you might say to yourself, "Ugh! I'm so stupid! How could I forget that?" Instead of calling yourself stupid, you might think, "Oops! Forgot those pesky trash bags. I'll just pick some up next time I go out—no big deal."
    • Don't try to fight negative thoughts, though—they're a part of who you are. Simply drown them out with more positive, affirmative thoughts about yourself. It might feel weird at first, but after a while, it becomes habitual to think that way. [4]
  2. Accept your flaws as part of who you are. Everything you've done and everywhere you've been is a part of who you are—you! Self-love isn't about fixing all the "bad" things about yourself. Instead, accept that they're all parts of the same whole. When you love yourself, you love all of you because you wouldn't have the good without the bad.[5]
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    • For example, maybe you have a hard time trusting people. You wish you could be more trusting and open up more, but instead of trying to change, focus on how not immediately trusting people helps keep you safe.
  3. Focus on your effort rather than the result to control perfectionism. If you expect yourself to be perfect all the time, you'll never be pleased with anything you produce. This can lead to low self-esteem. Instead, make a point to appreciate the work you put into completing a task, rather than looking for flaws in what you produced.[6]
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    • Changing your focus from the final product to the effort you put into it will help you appreciate your own good work and take pride in what you do.
    • Avoid stereotypical ideas and images of perfection, such as models in beauty magazines or on social media. Remind yourself that the actual person probably doesn't look like that in real life!
  4. Practice gratitude for good things rather than focusing on the negative. It's human nature to see negative things as bigger and more important than positive things, but this also does tremendous damage to your self-esteem. When you find yourself focusing on negative or less favorable events in your life, immediately try to name 3 to 5 things that you can be grateful for. Look for the positive side even when bad things happen to you.[7]
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    • For example, if you lose your job, it can be easy to spiral into thinking that you were terrible at your job and no one will ever hire you again. Instead, you might think that now you have the opportunity to find something that's a better fit for you.
  5. Speak kindly to yourself. When you call yourself a name, you reduce yourself to a single thing that you don't like—you're not treating yourself as a whole person. If you wouldn't call your best friend these names, don't call yourself those names either![8]
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    • For example, if you lose your job, you might think "I'm such a failure. I'll never amount to anything." Stop. Take a deep breath and be more constructive. Think instead, "I lost my job, but I can learn from this experience to find and keep a new job that suits me better."
    • You might also look at yourself in the mirror and think, "I'm so ugly." Instead of thinking that, list 3 things that you like about your appearance and focus on those. Each time, challenge yourself to add one more thing to your list.
    • One of the kindest things you can do for yourself is avoid negative comparisons!
  6. Pull yourself away from assumptions that the worst will happen. This sort of "catastrophizing" is really bad for your self-esteem because you spiral from a small error to basically believing that everything is doomed—and that's rarely the case. Challenge those thoughts with realistic and logical observations to reframe your conclusion.[9]
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    • For example, you might make a small mistake at work and obsess about it to the point that you're convinced you're going to be fired for it (when that's likely not the case at all). Instead of allowing that to happen, tell yourself, "I just made a small mistake. I can fix it and let everyone know it won't happen again."

[Edit]Creating Self-Love Habits

  1. List your positive attributes and reflect on them daily. If you habitually think negatively of yourself, this can be a tough one! Try to come up with just one thing each week to add to the list. Before you know it, you'll have a nice long list to reflect on as you realize what a wonderful and beautiful person you are.[10]
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    • Be specific! For example, instead of, "I am generous," you might write, "Any time I see that a friend is struggling, I give them a small, thoughtful gift to show that I care. This makes me generous."
    • As you read and reflect on your list, remember that even the items that seem insignificant are still reasons that you are worthy of respect and love.
  2. Take time to reflect and recharge so you have energy for others. It's easy to feel guilty about spending time on yourself, but the reality is that this time allows you to recharge so that you're better able to help others. Give yourself permission to spend time reflecting on yourself and your own life, and never feel guilty for taking the time that you need.[11]
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  3. Celebrate and reward yourself for your accomplishments. Rewarding yourself is the best part of practicing self-love. When you reward yourself, you're telling yourself that you're worthy of love and special treatment. Just think about how you might celebrate with a friend who'd just accomplished something amazing, then go out and do that for yourself.[12]
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    • For example, you might take yourself out to a nice dinner at your favorite fancy restaurant or buy yourself the new book or video game you've had your eye on.
    • Rewards don't have to be expensive! For example, you might take a relaxing bath or go out on a solo fishing trip.
  4. Set boundaries with others to show love for yourself and your limits. The idea of boundaries can sound like a big, scary thing, but it's really just about saying "no" when you don't have the energy or desire to do something. Remember that "no" is a complete sentence—you don't have to explain or justify yourself. Honor and respect your own limits and other people will recognize that you're respecting them as well.[13]
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    • For example, a co-worker might've asked you to take them home after work, but they're always running late. This bugs you because you have to get home as soon as possible to let your dog out. You might say, "I'm happy to give you a ride, but I need you to leave on time so I can get home."
    • When you let others know what you are and aren't okay with, your relationships become more balanced and healthy because you're not putting up with things that make you uncomfortable.
  5. Develop a plan for dealing with setbacks or negativity. Whenever you're having a hard time, whether from a person or something happening in your life, pause and take 10 deep and purposeful breaths. As you breathe in, think about yourself and think that you love yourself. Then breathe out the negativity. After you've done 10 breaths, you might find you want to do 10 more. Just focus on yourself.[14]
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    • You might notice that negative comments from a particular person, such as your mom or your boss, set you off into a spiral of negativity. When you figure out why this person affects you that way you can better control your response.
    • When faced with negative thoughts, give yourself a time-out to meditate or just take a few cleansing deep breaths. This gives you the opportunity to acknowledge your feelings and reframe your reaction.
  6. Talk to a therapist to uncover the triggers for your negative thoughts. A professional can help you explore your negative thoughts and identify what brings up those thoughts and feelings. Some of these memories from your past can be tough to deal with on your own, so it's good to have your therapist there to support you and help you work through them.[15]
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    • A therapist who is experienced in addressing a painful past can help you navigate the experience of recovery without causing trauma as you relive those painful experiences.
    • A therapist's office is a great place to learn to handle negative thoughts productively and realize your positive qualities.
  7. Repeat positive affirmations daily. Find positive thoughts that resonate with you and repeat them to yourself daily. This might seem awkward or cheesy at first, but the habit will cause the positive thoughts to sink in and you'll start to believe those thoughts (even if you don't at first).[16]
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    • For example, you might say, “I am a whole, worthy individual, and I respect, trust, and love myself.”
    • If you find that affirmations aren't helping on their own, a therapist can help you pursue a multi-level treatment plan that includes other approaches.
  8. Do things that make you feel good. Think of things that make you feel good on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level. This might involve exercise, meditation, dancing, journaling, or visual art. Find a routine that feels good and stick to it, taking time for yourself every day.[17]
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    • Spend time alone doing activities you love or take yourself on a fun outing, such as going to the movies or out to eat. Take advantage of your alone time and use it for pleasure.
  9. Reflect on the effects of practicing self-love. It's not enough just to do these things—take time to reflect on the changes you notice as well. As you spend more time loving and rewarding yourself, you'll likely start to notice that you have more energy, feel more in charge of the choices you make, and feel like you have more control of your life.[18]
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[Edit]Using Loving-Kindness Meditation (LKM)

  1. Explore the principles behind LKM. This form of meditation enhances the loving-kindness you feel for yourself and for all living things. When practiced regularly, it will give you the tools you need to become proficient in self-love.[19]
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  2. Use LKM to love without expectations or conditions. Loving-kindness doesn't depend on someone's relationship to you or whether they "deserve" it. Rather, it extends to all living beings. It flows from you without any expectation of receiving anything in return.[20]
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    • LKM is also love without judgment. Judging yourself or others often causes misery in relationships with others or within your own mind. When you love without judgment, you love selflessly.
  3. Begin your LKM session by breathing slowly and deeply. Sit in a comfortable position and draw your attention to your breath. Inhale slowly, allowing your chest to fill completely with air. Then, exhale slowly and completely.[21]
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    • Keep at this for 3 to 5 breaths, keeping your mind focused solely on your breathing. If other thoughts pop up, simply acknowledge them and gently pull your focus back to your breathing.
  4. Repeat a positive mantra to yourself. As you continue to breathe slowly and deeply, find a positive mantra that resonates with you and uplifts you. It could be something such as, "May I be happy, at peace, and safe from harm."[22]
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  5. Think about someone who loves and supports you. Start with someone who's really made a positive difference in your life—someone you know has your best interests at heart. Imagine them sitting with you and smiling as you repeat your positive mantra to them.[23]
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  6. Send loving-kindness out to others. Expand from the person who loves you to other people in your life. They could be people you feel neutrally about or even people that you have negative feelings about. Imagine yourself sending loving-kindness to all of those people through your mantra.[24]
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    • Eventually, you can expand to all living things, even people and other beings you've never met before.

[Edit]Understanding Self-Love

  1. A lack of self-love prevents you from advocating for your needs. Advocating for your own needs is an important part of self-care. But if you don't believe you're worthy, you won't see your needs as something worth sticking up for.[25]
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    • A lack of self-love can also cause you to be dependent on others around you in an unhealthy way. For example, if you rely on others for validation, you might set aside your own needs to gain their approval.
    • Lack of self-love can also impede emotional healing and progress. If you've decided to see a therapist, improving your self-image helps increase the chances that you'll have a good outcome in psychotherapy.[26]
  2. Childhood experiences are important to your capacity for self-love. Your relationship with your parents affects the development of your character throughout your life. If you had a troubled childhood where your physical, emotional, or mental needs weren't met, you may have issues with self-esteem and self-love as an adult.[27]
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    • Negative messages received in childhood—particularly recurring ones—often stick with you well into adulthood and color your self-perception.
    • For example, if you're told you're "dull" or "boring" as a child, you'll be more likely to believe you are dull or boring as an adult, even if there's plenty of evidence to the contrary.
  3. Parents can support their children's self-esteem. If you have kids, do what you can now to help them build healthy self-esteem so that they'll love themselves as adults, even when they're facing challenges. Here are some things you can do:[28]
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    • Praise your child's effort rather than focusing on results. For example, when your kid gets an A on a test, you might say, "I know you worked really hard on that, this shows how much you've learned!"
    • Show your child how to do something for themselves rather than doing it for them.
    • Focus on your child's strengths rather than their weaknesses and avoid harsh criticism.
    • Encourage your child to help and give to others.
  4. Negative comments from others can impact your self-love. You can't practice self-love in a bubble. Sooner or later, you're going to run into someone who's going to make a rude or critical comment toward you. Instead of letting that send you down a negative spiral, try not to take the comment personally. Show kindness for the person's feelings or concerns, rather than reacting to their tone.[29]
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    • Remind yourself that different people have different things going on in their lives. When someone makes a negative comment toward you, try not to take it personally.

[Edit]Reader Videos


  • If you don't feel a lot of self love right away, don't be discouraged! It takes time to build these habits. Just do your best to be consistent, and be patient with yourself.


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  1. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  2. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  4. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  5. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  10. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  12. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  14. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.
  17. [v161210_b01]. 2 December 2019.